Our beloved mother, Samoeurn Ly aka Nary Ly -COVID
Please be aware, Covid-19 is not a joke. It has claimed the life of our beloved mother. This is not the way to leave your loved ones behind. This all could have and can be "avoided" if you stay vigilant and take extra precautions. Protect not only yourself but others...especially the elderly. Do not be selfish. Be considerate and mindful...it just might save a life or lives.
The warmth of her love in which she showered all of us was unmeasurable and an understatement, to say the least. She was a very selfless woman. No one and nothing could stop her from being such a lovely human being. Always there to support every one of us in whichever way possible and anytime of the day or night. She put others first without hesitation and without complaint. What she found rewarding was to see that we are happy, healthy, and all together.
A loving mother of eight children who are all grown up and gave her nine grandchildren who very much admire her. She was our queen. She was our SAVIOR. A mother who endured so much in a short life span.
If you ever tasted her cooking, you would know it’s full of love. She picked ingredients that are the freshest at the market and harvested veggies, fruits, and herbs from her very own little lush garden. We’re going to miss her cooking. All the ka-thiel, nom ba-jok, mee-chveer, yao-han, mee-ka-thahng, baw-baw maun, fried rice, spring rolls, and Cambodian desserts. Some of us are lucky to have learned her way of heart-filled cooking and jotted down her recipes so that we can make it and share with our loved ones.
She had a beautiful voice. Karaoke was her go to entertainment and she could and would do this all day long. We never mind it because we join and sing too with her. Just seeing her beautiful smile, it makes us smile.
Take time to show the ones you love that you care and are there for them no matter what. She reminded us of that very often. Life is too short and so was Mom’s, at 60 years young. She will always be with us as she is in our hearts. May she rest in paradise. Free of pain, worry and stress. Full of peace, tranquility, warmth, karaoke, nice dresses, jewelry, heels, green and fruitful gardens. She deserved everything here... and there as well.
Heaven has gained a worthy angel.
The Phan’s Children and Family
Thank you in advanced. Funeral services details to be announced soon.