Beloved singer Roger Ceresi has Tongue Cancer.
Donativo protegido
Hi, My name is Debra Demar and I am fund raising for singer/ musician/ entertainer Roger Ceresi on behalf of all musicians and dancers that love Roger!
Roger is battling Squamous Cell Carcinoma TONGUE CANCER. As a result of the "brutal treatments" (his words) he has had to cancel over 20 shows.
Roger is truly appreciative of having this Go Fund Me page set up in his behalf as he is a full time musician relying upon that income.
Roger (and the Al Starz) have been a mainstay in the New England music scene for decades. There is not a swing dancer throughout Rhode Island (and beyond) that has not been entertained by him.
For those that wish to donate here, please know that Roger is eternally grateful for this outpouring of love and generosity.
All proceeds go directly to Roger , minus the GoFundMe processing fee.
#cancer #beatcancer #curecancer #carcinoma #squamouscellcarcinoma #rogerceresiandtheallstarz
#gofundm #KnickerbockerMusic
Organizador y beneficiario
Debbie Demar Krohn
Bristol, RI
Roger Ceresi