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HELP Our Brothers In Prison

Donación protegida
We are trying to raise money for our brothers in prison to buy food and clothing and other necessary items. Also some money goes to help their families. unfortunately allot of them don’t get any support from the outside world, and it’s very difficult to survive in prison without some money in their accounts especially before any  yom tov when the emotional thought  of being away from family tears their hearts. we are trying to make them happy and put a smile on their faces.
please open your heart to our brothers in need and may hashem pay you back with his great blessings.

i personaly know these inmates as being a frequent visiter in FCI Otisville .  the money gets wired to each inmate acoount personaly.


  • Anónimo
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Abraham Biller
Brooklyn, NY
  • Otras

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