Our car loss, due too hurricane ida
On the night of September 1st the Hurricane Ida flood hit New York City harder than expected. Unfortunately, Hurricane Ida has completely changed everything for me and my family. In May 2020 I lost my job due to COVID-19 so my girlfriend and I used our savings from years of hard work of thousands of dollars to purchase a car. Using the car we were able to pick up work as Door Dash drivers to make ends meet to support our little family. Ive been applying too jobs for about a year and a half now and i still have not gotten any calls back. So this is the only job my girlfriend and i have too get by. Since then our car has been our livelihood. It’s how we work, how we take care of our kids, and how we get around during emergencies. We have spent thousands of dollars in the last few months constantly repairing it to continue getting by. Also our insurance company said they couldn't help or cover it. But last night I found my girlfriend and I’s car flooded up to the windows with irreversible damage. It’s completely totaled. This is why we are trying to raise money to hopefully get a new car to return back to work as soon as possible and take care of our family. We have expended all our funds in the last few months and we truly need help. Anything helps, and if you cannot help, PLEASE share. My girlfriend and I would absolutely appreciate it would really be a huge help. Thank you all.