Our dancers need your help! We are all aware that every person in every walk of life in the world today is affected by the deadly corona virus in one way or another. In speaking out for the ballet industry, our artists in this country are often the last to be funded and the first to be shut down as we experience the closure of venues nationwide in an effort to combat the spread of this disease. This means massive income lost and devastation for our dancers. Not only do they have the stress of keeping their bodies tuned for an unknown period of time but also the harsh financial burden of zero income. Some business have the ability for their employees to work from home but not for professional dancers. If anyone has the means to support need within our communities but not sure where to give please consider the crisis in the ballet dancers world right now. We ask you to join us in making a difference. We are raising money in aid of VICTORIAN STATE BALLET to support our dancers during this devastating time and are seeking donations of $250 and above. Of course every donation of any amount will help and all donations are fully tax deductable. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that plays such an important role in the culture and well being of our artists in this nation. We have a number of great incentives for donors giving $250 and above including double and family passes to any future shows in any state of Australia and New Zealand valid for 24 months, signed pointe shoes by our ballerinas, signed photos of the dancers, private lessons online catering to ages, abilities of male and female dance school students given by the company dancers and directed by VSB artistic staff. Hero image by Sasha Kane of VSB company dancers 2020.