Our Hospital Heroes
Our Hospital Heroes
A national appeal supporting a group of Ireland’s leading hospitals in the fight against Covid-19
We need you to donate to ‘Our Hospital Heroes’ so that we can give them what they need to care for Covid-19 patients and other patients with life-threatening conditions, such as cancer and heart disease.
We have some of the best doctors, nurses and support staff in the world working in our hospitals. They spend their lives putting others first. They are our heroes who are currently on the frontline of the Covid-19 battle and never have we needed them more.
Right now, resources are needed to treat large numbers of Covid-19 patients in our hospitals, without affecting the continuing care of patients with other life-threatening conditions. Our Government has already committed significant funding, but more may be needed.
You can support by clicking the DONATE button to help Our Hospital Heroes!
This appeal is coordinated by The Mater Foundation CHY No. 9768 CRA No. 20024505, The Mercy University Hospital Foundation CHY No. 17500 CRA No. 20065225 and Beaumont Hospital Foundation CHY No. 11538 CRA No. 20031879