Please Help Our Labrador Puppy Maya Get 2 New Hips
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Hello everyone, my name is Sophie and we have our beautiful black Labrador Maya who is nearly 10 months old.
**UPDATE; 21 ST MARCH** Maya has had her follow up X-ray today and everything is looking well apart from a snapped piece of bone, but, the surgeon is still hopeful everything will heal well she just needs more crate rest. Mayas left hip is going to be replaced on 12th April and then she’s got her whole life ahead of her. We thank everyone so much, it means the world we have raised this for Maya and she can live the life she deserves.
Maya successfully had her right hip replaced on the 8th Feb. She is recovering really well and the surgeon was very pleased with how it went. She has been a little naughty pup whilst recovering, chewed off every plaster she had on, chewed through a surgical suit, pulls the cone collar off, so has been quite difficult! But at least she’s getting back to her cheeky normal self :) still got some weeks for a full recovery but definitely on the right path.
Maya has her follow up X-ray on the 21st March to make sure this one has all healed and get her left hip replacement booked in. Hopefully we can reach target by then so it isn’t delayed for her xx
Maya had her first consultation yesterday and the surgeon confirmed how severe Mayas hips are. He advised he would usually turn a dog away at her age but after doing more X-rays he said that’s not an option. The most upsetting news was he said Maya would be lucky to survive until 18 months (as in quality of life, her hips would just stop working). During her X-ray he said her hips were “out”, he had to put his weight on the hip to get the X-ray and when he moved his hand the hip came out of place again.
None of this would even be remotely possibly if it wasn’t for every kind person who has donated, I honestly can’t thank you enough.
The downside, the £3000 limit on the insurance has now run out after another X-ray yesterday which was £911.
This X-ray was needed to measure for the hip implants and her first appointment is in 2 weeks! After healing another X-ray will be needed to make sure everything is working as it should.
Then he wants to do the right hip 6 weeks later due to how severe they are. This will include another X-ray to measure for this hip, then the surgery and another follow up X-ray to make sure the right one has healed (then she’s going to be running around like a spring chicken :) ).
I did think we would have some more time to raise the funds for the second hip and we are having to increase the target. We are just crossing our paws and ears that we will reach the end target by March.
X-ray costs: £714
Hip replacement: £7148 each
Go Fund Me also do a lot of work in the background to help people raise the funds and they do have a 2.9% fee and 0.25p per donation is deducted.
We “rescued” Maya from awful conditions. We didn’t think we were until we arrived. We saw an advert on Gumtree and fell in love with her instantly, we drove 4 hours to get her. When we arrived the person who had her was clearly on drugs and would not let us in the house, she handed her over in the front garden, counted the money and closed her door. Maya wasn’t given any comforts to help her settle, no food that she was used to, however, we just got straight in the car away from there (she has been reported).
A few hours after arriving at home we noticed she wasn’t breathing properly, we called an emergency vets (it was 6am) and we were seen straight away at 8am. Thankfully she didn’t have a heart condition, however, she only weighed 4kg at 9 weeks old (should have been around 8-9kg) and had a severe case of worms. After 4 days of treatment and lots of love, attention and yummy food/treats she started to get better…fast forward to 6 months and we noticed issues with her legs.
It started by the odd bit of limping then she went for a checkup and was prescribed some painkillers and had an X-ray due to the painkillers not helping.
Maya went for her X-ray after a lot of suffering and she has a very severe case of his dysplasia and 2 new hips are in urgent need which she can have at 10-12 months old. Unfortunately, our insurance will not cover it and they have told us it will be at least £7000 per hip, they also don’t offer a payment plan option. Maya can only have one hip done at a time to make sure it heels correctly which I’m hoping it will. Having both hips with issues can in the future cause damage to her front legs due to the pressure and strain she is putting on them and so hoping we can get her hips done before any issues start with her front legs.
We are absolutely heartbroken and we are having to consider the unthinkable which is an unbearable thought, even more so considering her age. The condition isn’t life threatening, however, it may come to the decision of mayas quality of life and doing the right thing to prevent her from further pain.
Any donation which could help towards this would be so appreciated and amazing. I also don’t have social media so if people could please share this for us would be even better.
Thank you for reading x
Sophie McDonnell