Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Our love will remain

On June 23 2016, Britain voted to leave the EU. Regardless of how you voted - leave or remain - a decision was made. Three years on, we are leaving. January 31 2020 will be remembered as a huge day in British politics as Britain leaves the EU. 

Brexiteers, enjoy your day and we wish you well. 

For the rest of us, for whom leaving the EU is deeply saddening, let’s make January 31 2020 memorable for a positive reason. Let’s send a message to Europe and the rest of the world that regardless of the decision made in June 2016, Britain is and always will be an open and tolerant nation. 

Help Refugees is an incredible charity providing aid to refugees in the UK and across Europe. Their work has helped hundreds of thousands of people, providing food and shelter to people who have experienced incredible hardship. 

Please donate whatever you can to support the work of Help Refugees and to show to the world that we still care about them. Britain remains open. Our love will remain. 



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