Please help our Paralyzed Pup (Medical & Daily
Donation protected
Aloha everyone,My name is Kapali Long, my wife's name is Lauren we are based in Los Angeles, California. All of my family is in Hawaii and her family is in Northern California. Lauren & I always wanted a dog, another family member…we went to 4 or 5 dog shelters and we couldn’t find a pup that we could bring home…we looked on Craigslist and boom… There was Gibson…A beautiful Angel baby boy who’s half shiba and pug. He use to be the loudest jumping dog when you got home….A friend of ours is house sitting and came home to our place to find Gibson by the front door, with no function to the lower half of his body and he got rushed to 2 ers. During the post pandemic I left my job at a Music School to teach from Home….12 Hours a day every day for maybe 2 years…I’d be home filming song lessons and who was there with me….it was him and I talking all day long, when I play slide guitar or harmonica he sings along!Some people have animals….we don’t…………….HES A FAMILY MEMBER. The light of our life… without surgery his spine could essentially turn to jelly so he needed it. We told the Doctors go so they executed the spinal surgery last night. Any thing and all helps.. please help us get our BabyBoy back to a great rest of his life…I honestly would never get another Pup again after him…how could we?We need help with the Initial Surgery 10k+ Follow Ups 4k+Gibsons Meds & Household needs for him 2k + monthly Our rent is 2650$ so anything and all helps.Only one of us can be out working while someone stays with him all day making sure he doesn’t hurt him self or gets his legs tangled. He can’t use the bathroom on his own so one of us (easier with 2 people) has to express his bladder manually and help with #2 he goes every 1.5-2hours. His schedule for his meds are 7am, 11am, 3pm, 11pmDue to spinal surgery we need to make sure he’s resting and not moving. Taking care of Gibson is a full time job & we couldn’t do this without y’all.
Kapali Long
Pasadena, CA