Our wee cat almost died! Insurance won't pay vet!
Donation protected
Friends, we need help and I'm not afraid to ask. Our new wee cat, Jasper was really ill yesterday, puking everywhere and wailing, really crying. I took him to the vet, who said his bladder was solid, so he couldn't urinate, impacting his kidneys and it could have burst, if I hadn't brought him in today he is much happier, with a catheter and a cone and should be home tomorrow
The problem is- we have insurance for him but *pet insurance doesn't cover the first 14 days, if any illness occurs in this time* he had one month free cover from the Cats Protection League and then we started his new policy, which won't help with any costs. The vet has quoted £1150 for the total bill.
We know we have a lot of friends who love animals and might be able to donate to help bring down the cost. Wee Jasper is worth it, we just don't have that kind of money without going into debt. I know it's only January 6th, but if anyone can donate it will be a wonderful help. We don't expect to raise it all, just trying to reduce it through collective efforts. Buster said, "Don't worry about the cost, our little man needs help" but we're shocked at this final cost and now we also need your help.
Mhairi Haggarty