Outdoor Classroom Memorial for Hailey McMullen
As many of you already know our community was shaken and devastated by the tragic loss of young Hailey McMullen, just 10 years old on October 12, 2019. In attempt to help her school family and friends heal and celebrate Hailey’s life and love for her school friends we, The Cumberland County Sheriff Officers (PBA 299) who were first responders to the tragic scene, have partnered with her teacher in creating an outdoor classroom to be placed on the school grounds of her loved Deerfield Township Elementary School located in Rosenhayn, NJ. Hailey’s class has been fundraising for a year now and needs some help to complete their idea.
Can we show them the community is completely behind them and assist in making their dream to remember and celebrate Hailey a success?
What is needed you ask? We will need wood, mulch, some low maintenance evergreen bushes, some supplies for stepping stones the kids can make to remember there classmate, and some skilled craftsman to assist in putting it all together!
If you could help in any way we would greatly appreciate any donation! If you are a business or know a business that can help with any of the above supplies please contact me at [email redacted]! Donations could also be mailed to our PO BOX until August 15,2020 as we would like to have this project completed for the start of the new school year!
All donations will be used for the project. Any remaining will be used to keep the outdoor classroom looking amazing for years to come.
PBA 299
PO BOX 742
Bridgeton NJ, 08302
Please Mark all donations sent to the PO BOX “McMullen Memorial”
Thank you for helping this project for the Children be a success.
Beverly Dragotta
PBA 299 State Delegate
Cumberland County Sheriff Officer