Overstreet’s Sinkhole
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Overstreet’s Sink
On the morning of February 18th, Lucy Overstreet’s heart sank when she looked out her kitchen window at her swimming pool. It was empty! When she went outside to investigate, she discovered that a massive sinkhole had opened up beneath it, leaving a gaping hole in the bottom of an empty pool. In a matter of hours, 15,000 gallons of water, as well as her hopes of a fun-filled summer of post-Covid family gatherings, had literally gone down the drain.
Fortunately, because it happened during the night, no one was in or near the pool at that time, but it has become a dangerous and very expensive problem. A team of geological engineers has come out to inspect the sinkhole and the area around it. The initial cost for the survey was $1500. It was determined that the sinkhole is 5-10 feet in diameter and 25 feet deep, opening up towards the house at the bottom. The house is not in immediate danger, thankfully, but as the pool is about 15 feet from the back door of the house, that could change if the situation is not taken care of ASAP. With Florida’s rainy season beginning in May, it is absolutely dire that the repairs begin immediately.
The first step will be to fill the hole by pumping in a special type of concrete. It is estimated that this will cost close to $10,000, but the actual cost is unknown until the job is complete, as the amount it will take to fill it is uncertain. This will stabilize the situation, as well as give more insight into what else may be needed. Then the geologists will return to do more tests to determine what the next steps will be. These tests will cost approximately $3,000-4,000. Beyond that, the pool will need to have a new vinyl liner put in, and other repairs to the house have become necessary due to the ground settling around the house. None of this is covered by insurance.
Hopefully, once the repairs are complete, and the situation is stabilized, that will be all that is needed. Unfortunately, we will not know if more steps are necessary until the above has been completed. With Florida’s rainy season only weeks away, it is crucial that we move forward with stabilizing the situation, to protect the foundation of the house. However, as Lucy is a retired widow with a fixed income, and the estimates for the repairs have begun to approach the $20,000 mark with the potential for that number to continue to grow, the situation has become very overwhelming. Lucy has spent the last 19 years creating a beautiful and peaceful space for her large family and her friends to gather and enjoy, and it is terrifying to see how close to disaster this has come.
Lucy has spent her life in the service of others. She raised 6 kids of her own, collecting a few extras along the way, and has been known to open her home to many people over the years. She has 14 grandkids whom she adores, and who love spending time in Nana’s pool. She is currently taking care of her elderly brother on site, after a series of strokes had left him unable to take care of himself. She also has a few elderly friends and family members that she provides transportation for, to doctor appointments and grocery stores and whatever else they need. She spends her time taking care of the needs of others, as she always has. It would be wonderful to get her some help taking care of her needs. Any donations, no matter how small, are much appreciated. Every bit of support helps, even if all you can afford is to share this campaign with others. Thank you so much for helping this beautiful person. With your help we can lift her back on her feet and relieve her of this


Thomas Renicks
Archer, FL