Owen Yates
Hi We are Kylie & Adam, owen's daughter an son
Our beloved Owen Yates had recently passed away suddenly on the Monday 4th march 73yrs old, was a wonderful father, brother, uncle an grandfather to so many touching so many hearts of those around him, has left us with so much sadness. He will be sadly missed.
We are all very devastated by Owen's loss and we're not prepared for the high costs of a funeral service, We want to give Owen the memorial he deserves, to honour his memory an say our last goodbyes.
I am currently asking for donations to please cover the costs of Owen funeral service's, wake refreshments get together afterwards and also in speading owens ashes in the Murray River at swan reach riverfront later this this year, we need to raise $3,500 in order to be able to give him a great send off an goodbyes.
-The service date is wednesday 17th April
Anything will be greatly appreciated in advance from Kylie, Adam and all of Owen's family❤️