Maintenance Oxygen treatment fund
Hi All,
We are extremely grateful to you all for helping us to get the oxygen chamber for Slav.
Thank you! Installation of the oxygen chamber was completed in the middle of March 2020.
This was such a long process that we started back in August 2019 when we initially contacted a few companies around to get a few quotes. I am so delighted (especially for Slav) that we got the chamber just on time before lockdown. But we would not be able to achieve this without your help and support.
Thank you!
We got a full training how to operate the chamber and all devices including oxygen generator and the air compressor. Having our own oxygen generator means we are making our own oxygen directly from the air and there is no need to order or exchange oxygen cylinders, which will save us lots of funds long term.
We, of course will continue having expenses on the maintenance of the chamber, including servicing the compressor every 3 months, exchanging filters, servicing oxygen generator and all devices and of course - higher bills for electricity.
For this reason we will keep this fundraiser open and will accept any donations - no matter how small - that will help us to keep running this beast at home.
There are so many benefits to have the chamber for Slav at home, including using it even on daily basis which we are sure - will have additional positive impact on Slav's bones - as previously advised by specialist.
We do not have to travel anymore, which was possible only 3 times a week.
Slav does not have to suffer anymore from sitting in the car and long commuting which he found very difficult due to compression fractures of his 6 vertebrae.
There are of course other benefits - we can also to use it over weekends and at the time when other centers are being closed for any reasons (Easter, Bank holidays, Christmas, lockdown, or closed due to technical issues which happened few times as well...)
I hope you are all keeping safe out there and we really hope this madness will be over soon. It has a huge impact on life of those most vulnerable - e.g. children and adults receiving or after chemo treatment and elderly or people with underlying conditions. Slav still has an immune system compromised and we really appreciate having the chamber at home now and no need to travel and meet other people.
Thank you for your help and support. We would not be able to reach this point without you! btw. I still get questions why we did not get the flexi chamber, which is of course cheaper, however flexi chambers cannot be pressurized to the pressure that would heal bones and thus it would not be beneficial for Slav. (it might be good for asthma for example or lung problems...but not bones) I have enclosed comparison of flexi chambers and hyperbaric one.
This was shared with Facebook, Twitter, and your donors
This fundraiser was initially focused on raising funds for the oxygen chamber and any donations above the target for purchasing the oxygen chamber would be used for regular maintenance of the oxygen chamber and any possible emergency repairs, which will be completed by certified technicians. We also cover medically related expenses and supplements needed for Slav with funds from fundraiser. We would not be able to achieve this all without your support. Thank you.
*******************BIG ANNOUNCEMENT*******************
We are pleased to announce that Thanks to very kind couple who wish to remain anonymous and who kindly donated substantial sum today (25k) - and thanks to you all, the people who donated to our cause, gifts for raffles, their artwork and products, those which sacrificed their time helping with organizing many events we raised the amount needed to pay remaining balance for equipment and work necessary to get the oxygen chamber.
We would never be able to achieve this without you all ! Although we paid deposit - it will take some time to get the chamber delivered to us as there are some necessary steps which the manufacturer has to follow. I immediately rang them with this good news and they promised to deliver the chamber as soon as possible, although they have to order some missing parts, to do a job to put it together and get it tested and certified. We cannot wait to have the chamber at home and we will keep you updated! Thank you all and extra special Thanks to this special couple who kindly offered to pay the balance after they noticed the article about Slav in the national newspapers. We met this couple today and of course there were emotional tears and such a relief of pressure from our shoulders and our family. Nothing of this could be achieved without our amazing supporters and all the persons who kindly supported us along the way.
Thank you very much!
Slav is 14 years old boy, who is always smiling and making people around him happy. Slav was diagnosed with stage IV cancer in January 2018, called Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. Slav has survived the onslaught of aggressive type stage IV cancer and completed 27 weeks of harsh chemotherapy. Although his MRI is still not completely clear, he is still improving with all the extra private treatments that we do. Slav's cancer infiltrated into his bones and caused compression fractures of his 6 vertebrae.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is helping to prevents further damage on his vertebrae, helping him to improve immunity and it also has anticancer effects. With only 5% chance to survive 3 years after diagnoses - we have to do everything possible and beyond to save our Slav.
Slav currently commutes for the oxygen treatment 3-5 times a week around 500km plus other appointments on the top of that. Hours spent in the car cause bad pain in his spine with 6 compression fractures of his vertebrae and it is also extremely time consuming so he could not return to school yet. Purchasing hyperbaric oxygen chamber for home use will be extremely helpful and beneficial for Slav. He will be able to use it even twice a day. Also, Slav cannot get back to school or education at this moment, as this commuting is exhausting and Slav has rarely a day off from appointments. Having his own oxygen chamber will help normalize his life.
We cannot achieve this without the help of other people as this equipment is not covered by HSE. The hyperbaric chamber is going to be purchased from the official and certified submarine manufacturer and it cost around 70k.
Slav's fight is far from being over and Slav will need the oxygen treatment for years.
We greatly appreciate any donations, and spreading our appeal.
Name of the AIB Trust account: HELP FOR SLAV
AIB account number: 86 325 082
sort code 93 20 94
IBAN: IE35 AIBK 93 20 94 86 325 082
PayPal: www.paypal.me/Help4Slav
Thank you!
We raised around 30k (offline fundraisers, gofundme and facebook)
from 70k needed, so far. (30th November 2019)Thank you.