Ozzy Cat's Hip Surgery - Femoral Head Ostectomy
Donation protected
Hi, My name is Kelly, and I'm seeking help for my grandcat, Oswald (aka Ozzy). Ozzy belongs to my son, Steven, (he has been a crazy cat lady since he was a young boy - Ozzy is his favorite cat!) and daughter-in-law and their 2 young daughters. They adopted him as an 8 week old kitten in spring 2022. He has a sister, Charlotte, that they also adopted at the same time. Ozzy is an extremely laid back and affectionate cat. He loves to cuddle and is very attached to his humans.
Ozzy suffered an onset of urinary crystals on March 10th, 2024. My son knew what was happening, as he had to have one of his other cats treated for them few years ago. He immediately took him to an emergency vet who evaluated him, unblocked him, and sent him home with meds. Thankfully, he recovered fine from this event. However, they noticed when he came home that he was not up and moving around very much and seemed to be sleeping more than usual. They attibuted it to having been through the ordeal with the crystals. Unfortunately, it became evident soon thereafter that he was limping on his right rear leg. Ozzy is an indoor only cat, and he does not roughhouse with the other cats. They could not think of anything that could have happened to him to cause an injury to his leg. They took him back to their regular vet 2 weeks after the emergency vet visit for the crystals to have him evaluated for the injured leg. They were devastated to learn that his hip was broken! The vet told them that he would likely need surgery, but they could give it a bit of time to see if would mend on its own. Their regular vet referred them to another clinic where they routinely do these types of surgeries, and they set an appointment out a couple weeks to see if he may heal without surgical intervention. He has seemed to be getting around better, and he has been more social. Unfortunately, the consultation with the vet did not show that it was improving. They were quoted $2125 for the Femoral Head Ostectomy (the top of his femur where it goes into the hip socket is broken and needs to be repaired). They did check around with other reputable clinics, and this estimate is very competitive.
At this time, they have spent over $1000 on his visits to the ER vet for the crystals, the follow-up for the crystals, the visit to their regular vet for the initial evaluation for his leg/hip, and the consultation with the vet who can do the surgery (4 vet visits within less than a month - Ugh!). They are a young family working hard to get by, and this has been a major expense for them. Ozzy is part of their family, and they all love him dearly. They want to do everything they can to get him the treatment he needs to be well, rather than put him down. Especially since he's so young.
If you are so inclined, I and they would be so grateful for any assistance you are able to provide to help them cover the costs of Ozzy's surgery. It would be a huge blessing to them, and both they and Ozzy will thank you for helping him (literally) get back on his feet! Thank you for taking the time to read Ozzy's story.
Kelly Strantz
Leslie, MI