Familia Dominguez
Donation protected
Les escribo hoy para informarles del doloroso fallecimiento de nuestro querido y amado Jose Dominguez. El día 26 de Marzo del 2023, le arrebataron su vida injustamente con tan solo 34 años de edad. Jose era una gran persona que toco muchos corazones.
Estamos devastados con su fallecimiento inesperado. Jose deja atrás a una hermosa familia, su esposa Bianca I. Dominguez. Hijos Dominick Vazquez, Dereck Lozoya, Destiny S. Dominguez, Kailey C. Dominguez y Meghann T. Dominguez. El siempre poniendo a su familia primero, un gran padre y esposo.
Estamos recaudando fondos directamente para la familia, ya que Jose siempre fue el encargado de proveer por su familia. Estos fondos serían directamente para ayudar con gastos inesperados y gastos del hogar.
De ante mano les damos las gracias por su donación y por ayudar en estos momentos tan difíciles para la familia.
La familia Dominguez les pide muchas oraciones para ellos y por el descanso eterno de nuestro querido Jose.
I am writing today to inform you of the painful death of our dear and beloved Jose Dominguez. On March 26, 2023, his life was unjustly taken from him when he was only 34 years old. Jose was a great person who touched many hearts.
We are devastated by his unexpected passing. Jose leaves behind a beautiful family, his wife Bianca I. Dominguez. Children Dominick Vazquez, Dereck Lozoya, Destiny S. Dominguez, Kailey C. Dominguez and Meghann T. Dominguez. He would always put his family first, a great father and husband.
We are raising funds directly for the family since Jose was always in charge of providing for his family. These funds would go directly to help with unexpected expenses and household expenses.
We thank you in advance for your donation and for helping in these difficult times for the family.
The Dominguez family asks for many prayers for them and the eternal rest of our beloved Jose.
Organizer and beneficiary
Stephanie Garcia
Brownsville, TX
Dominic Vazquez