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Help the Alwan Family Survive & Rebuild

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Finally, finally, a (temporary) ceasefire has been called, allowing thousands of Palestinians to return to the sites of their homes in Gaza. Mohammad Abu Alwan is no exception and spent the day traveling to his home in Rafah; I've told you before that his home is rubble, and indeed this is confirmed by pictures and video attached below. His family remains behind in al-Mawasi - his wife Samar and Qusay are still hospitalized. Mohammad has given me details about Qusay, who has been exposed to meningitis - an incredibly serious fungal infection which requires immediate medical intervention. Deadly if not treated, Mohammad made the decision to admit his only son, despite the cost. Being so young, he requires constant care and medicine, which remains expensive throughout Gaza.
In addition,

I must also give you details about Mohammad's home; as the video demonstrates, he walks down the street to the Al-Janina neighborhood intersection, greeting his neighbors. Everything is in ruins around him, and he even records video of civil services bulldozing the rubble. Of course, it goes without saying, they have lost everything, and are going to begin rebuilding from nothing, for what else can they possibly do? As though any of this wasn't bad enough, the Alwan family has right outside the remains of their threshold - an unexploded missile. How does a normal family even begin to deal with this? Yet Mohammad assures me "we have reached the stage of fearlessness and indifference. This is the pinnacle of manhood and pride that we are Palestinians."

Please remember that even as the ceasefire has been declared, people (even children) are continuing to be killed, civilian hostages are continuing to be taken by the occupier. This is proven by the unmatched bravery of independent journalists who report on these clear crimes and violations (contact me for documentation on these instances). It's not over yet, and we have to remember those who still need us. Please donate as much as you're possibly able to, or share, share, SHARE the link - EVERY AMOUNT makes a difference and will impact the family directly.

Most urgently, Samar, the mother of the three children, has been continually hospitalized for severe anemia and lack of nutrients. Earlier in the day, she woke up from comatose -like sleep for about 30 minutes and then lost consciousness. Mohammad purchased 6 units of blood for transfusion at this time, but the doctors are clear she will need additional help. Several blood transfusions, vitamins and a complete diet are necessary for her to regain her health enough to consistently breast feed the twins, Saba and Qusay.

In an effort to help his neighbors and demonstrate his sincerity, Mohammad has helped to create an initiative to bring food packages into the Al-Qarara camp, where the Alwan family had previously lived. Despite everything which continues to happen in Gaza, during the week Mohammad will distribute packages containing vegetable oil, sugar, rice, salt, lentils, sauce, and hopefully pasta.
Please continue contributing and helping those in Gaza in anyway you're able. Every tiny action, sharing a link, donating a few dollars, making a post about the history, even just speaking with people about Gaza -- all of these make a collective impact on the situation. Thank you everyone, and please have a blessed new year.

Artwork by Ismail Shammout &; Silvan Mansour.

Life continues in Deir al-Balah, while massacres continue throughout the rest of Gaza. I feel that we are in the most critical stages of our support of the Alwan family, and the greater 'conflict' in the region. The occupation is crumbling: the economy is in ruins due to the cost of continued aggression, Yemen's blockade and the tanking of ISR's global credit rating (not to mention the global human opinion), the inability to replenish fighting ranks, strategic BDS movements, and the mass exodus of citizens.

As much as we can bodily allow, we must continue to help in whichever ways necessary - advocacy, and yes, financially, as much as we are able. The Alwan family, with their young children, are experiencing the bittersweetness of their milestones throughout the worst circumstances one could possible imagine. Both babies continue to struggle with the flu, maintaining their liquids and gastro-intestinal distress; otherwise a happy child, Qusay's skin is peeling, and nosebleeds plague him. Saba is getting her first teeth, with all the accompanying symptoms of fussiness, earaches and fever.

Ghina continues to learn her letters and play with her siblings, but still has involuntary urine accidents from the sounds of the bombing. The nights are extremely cold, regularly averaging 60 degrees, and most infrastructure is gone, meaning the family must rely on extra layers, blankets and an electric heater, if we can secure enough funds for them.

Varied groceries, toiletries, continued medicines, gas, all continue to be needs. The Alwan family is devastatingly grateful for everyone's assistance - without this help, they are sure they would be much worse off, if not martyrs... Thank you for everything so far, and thank you for continuing your advocacy work, helping this family to survive until they're finally able to freely leave. Please keep donating and sharing, boosting as much as possible.

The Alwan family continues to survive in Gaza, in the vicinity of Deir el-Balah, despite no aid having been allowed into the partitioned cities for almost three weeks. Since the birth of the babies, Qusay and Saba, Samar's body has struggled with the efforts of breastfeeding, and rebuilding her body's reserves. The continued stress of the conflict around her, malnutrition, and the most deplorable conditions for daily life - all of this weighs on this young mother.

Thanks to our collective efforts, Samar was able to see a specialist and receive a treatment regime - which includes a more nutritious and varied diet. The family supplements with formula whenever able, but any of us knows that the nutrients received from breast milk is essential to the development of a growing child - let alone two!

Please consider all of the inflated prices in the markets for the family - things such as fresh vegetables, fruits, fatty meats, all of these are priced so high, attaining them all at once is impossible. A single pack of diapers costs the equivalent of $100; one piece of winter clothing (long sleeves, layers) costs $50 - imagine what's needed to cloth the children. All of the family needs to continue to see the doctor - to ensure they're doing everything they can to prevent becoming even more ill. The children still suffer from gastroenteritis, and their parents have maybe a small meal per day. Still, Mohammad and Samar continue to do their best to raise their children; while bombardments sound nearby, they teach Ghina the Arabic letters, and in turn Ghina teaches the babies how to be children. What is the fault of this little girl, that she must play with unmatched violence all around?

Mohammad estimates he needs at least 2,000 a month for food, water, medicine, cleaning supplies, and diapers - all things I have taken for granted. Please consider donating, if you're able, even just $5 accumulates with other donations and this can add up to tremendous effects! It's a snowball, and together we could roll into an avalanche.

Thank you for everything so far, please don't forget about the Alwan family, living under the rubble of the ruined cities around them. We still need you.

10/8: Just to recount the last two weeks or so: the Alwan family had moved into an apartment which they enjoyed for less than a week, before it was shelled by the occupation. Since fleeing this place, the family has been living no better than the streets. They’ve been in the midst of drone fire, tanks and artillery, but now they’re closer to combat than ever before. Troops are entering the southern parts of Gaza directly on the ground and they must flee at a moments notice.

Food, water, formula, medicine, cleaning supplies…. To remain healthy the family needs as many of these things they can acquire, they are almost more important than the money itself… Diapers have quadrupled in price, it’s over $100 for one package. I would like any parents who might be reading this to remember how often infants need diaper changes. The little girl Ghina also suffers from wet accidents caused by the extreme fear of being near combat scenarios. We know from news outlets that the scenes in those areas are apocalyptic; bodies and unattached parts are everywhere. What did this family, and these children, ever do, that they should live this way?

Please keep donating to, sharing and boosting this campaign, this family needs all the help they can get. They are in continual crisis-mode because they have unable to catch their breath or sit in peace. Mohammad tells me everyday that the stress of protecting his children, or making sure they are fed, safe and cared for, is unsustainable and he doesn’t know how he will get through it. He tells me often that he is so tired he wishes to be martyred, but then who would advocate for his children? for his wife Samar? They would have no one, so he endures. What other choice do they have?

But we have a choice, and I am so proud of all those who have helped in this way, for any family, not just those from P a l e s t i n e, but anyone who needs help. When you have a choice, and you consciously choose to help, instead of walking by - you have made a compassionate and inherently human choice. Thank you
10/3 update: my friends the Alwan family, 12 people in total, had just moved from the Mawasi camp in what’s left of Rafah, into a building in Dier al-Balah, to better protect them from the elements of the winter…. Barely had they time to enjoy this reprieve before the building was targeted and destroyed by occupation forces. A missile was fired from a reconnaissance plane AND a shell was fired from a tank, completing demolishing all which had been built. The Alwan family’s hard work moving and maintaining their lives and safety…. Has been blown away, in moments. 
This is the family’s sixth displacement since their original home in Rafah was destroyed, five months ago. Everyone is still ill, everyone is still hungry, everyone needs fresh water, the babies need formula and diapers. May God direct people who can help to this campaign. Never have I been so shocked, or bitterly disappointed. My grief for the Alwan family (indeed, for all of Gaza) is indescribable. 
May God protect them, all of the Palestinians, and grant an end to this terrible conflict, having endured almost a century already - surely this is enough? 
Please donate, boost, share the message far and wide. Though I’m disappointed it must be nothing compared to the Alwan family’s trials. We have to continue to advocate in anyway that is possible. Thank you, dear reader, for everything, it means something, truly. Please pray for the Alwan family. Please pray for Gaza. 

9/22 update: Mohammad has informed me that his family’s tent has been destroyed. Winter has brought torrential rain and fierce winds, which relentlessly decimates the tents of displaced families. Tiny tears turn into leaks, which turn into huge leaks and then floods everything. The Alwan family, like so many others have little in the way of possessions left after the ‘conflict’ began, but they’re now ruined or damaged. All of this occurs while daily life MUST go on - food, medicine, fresh water, formula, diapers, the need for all of these things for is ever-present. The Alwan family - Mohammad, Samar, Ghina (4) and the baby twins, Qusay and Saba (7 mo) - are a normal family, just doing their best to survive through the awful circumstances they’ve been forced into. They deserve the chance to live, prosper, and Please donate if you’re able, or boost if you’re unable, literally every donation, every dollar counts and the family - Mohammad, Samar, Ghina (4) and the baby twins, Qusay and Saba (7 mo) - appreciates the collective humanity so so much. They’re normal people, just doing their best to survive through the awful circumstances they’ve been forced into. I’m proud to be their friend, despite the awful circumstances that led to this. I’m proud of all of us for helping them, and I’m proud to receive and name every donation as wonderful. Mohammad believes we can gather $500 in donations in the next week - I agree and we (he and I) are going to do our utmost best to gather that by next Sunday (Sept 29). Thank you to everyone who has donated, who continues to support in other ways, and for reading my words here today.

9/10 update: 
Directly from my friend, please read his words: 
”I am Muhammad Abu Alwan, a resident of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. I was displaced from my home with my family and children (born in the war) and we were displaced to God's vast earth without shelter and without a safe place to live. One week after we were displaced from the house, the house was bombed with two F16 missiles. The first exploded and the second did not. This picture shows the extent of the change before and after the bombing. This is a picture of my young children who were born in the war and unfortunately there are no basic necessities such as diapers and milk for them to grow up on. Fortunately, I was able to create a gofundme campaign link to collect donations to save my family from this genocide. This is the QR code for my case to collect donations.” 

9/9/2024 updates: 
As winter approaches Gaza, the conflict continues, crossings remain closed and prices soar even higher. Gangs (not the H guys) steal aid and sell it to citizens at exorbitant prices, everyone benefits but everyday Palestinians. Though external strategies are causing lots of pressure to be placed upon the aggressor, they have yet to relent on the borders or crossings to be reopened. Please consider donating to help Mohammad’s family live as well as they are able during this unprecedented humanitarian crisis; quadcoptor drones, buzzing drones, tanks, rifle fire, artillery shells and airstrikes are still a common occurrence throughout the entire region, claiming even more innocent lives. The immense need for fresh water, diapers, food of any variety, medical care and medicine doesn’t lessen. Every single dollar helps the Alwan family to go forth a little longer, until the sieges are ended. 
After the crossings and borders reopen, the Alwan family wishes to leave Gaza, robbed of most of its essential infrastructure. Please help to sustain the family and raise enough to flee the area and educate their small children in safety. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and all you’ve contributed. 

8/29/2024 updates: 
Thankfully, while many are still displaced to the beach, the Alwan family is back in their tent in Dier al-Balah. However, as mentioned above, the siege continues, through air strikes, tanks, gunfire, and quadcopter drones. I would like to reiterate to readers and donators that our support is helping the Alwan family to secure food, water, diapers and most recently, medication for skin and breathing issues. As we approach winter, these needs will increase, and vary, and I must impress upon everyone that the siege continues through all of this. My friend Mohammad has told me that despite tomorrow being Friday - an Arab day of rest, entertainment and fresh fatty foods - they are able to only eat a snack every two days or so. You must understand that while so money we have gathered so far is much, it is also little in the way of a bottom line. The exorbitant prices continue in Gaza, and the lack of resources continue to make these prices the only available point for supplies necessary for life. Please, please donate if you’re able, the money is desperately needed

8/22/2024 updates:
Since last Friday (8/16/2024) Mohammad and his family have been exposed to bombing, quadcopter fire, tanks - the situation escalated into the Alwan family and many others being ordered multiple times by the occupation to evacuate Dier al-Balah. Finally, they have done so, with nothing more than the clothes upon their backs.

As of this exact moment, Mohammad has narrowly been missed by gunfire, and his wife and children are terrified out of their minds. Samar herself has fainted from terror, and currently the entire family resides in the open on the beach. Every moment is filled with fear, transportation money is desperately needed to flee from the immediate vicinity - fuel, paying an acquaintance who has a vehicle, or on a truck heading out, all of these things are ways families are being stuck in Gaza, with no escape from the weapons.

Firing randomly upon civilians is happening constantly, and in the ensuing panic, people dodging gunfire adds to the already incessant sounds of shelling, explosions, ambulances, screaming of children - including Ghina, Quasay and Saba, Mohammad and Samar's own little ones.

This evening (nearly midnight right now, as reported on Thurs, 8/22 Western time) mortar is being raised and shot right next to my friend. Please, please, find it in your hearts to donate a few dollars - with enough, the Alwan family can flee to safety.

This screenshot depicts such an explosion, within spitting distance to the Alwan family. Believe it or not, the original video is screenshotted in text exchange just below - the video lights the whole sky. GFM forbids unhosted videos to be posted, so please find Mohammad's documentation on my tumblr, if you find you need such verification.


I am raising money for my friend, Mohammad Ahmed Abu Alwan 30 years old, and his family. Mohammad, his wife Samar, 26, and their 3 children have been displaced multiple times from the ruins of their home in Rafah.

Their children are of the utmost concern to Mohammad. The oldest is a girl, 3 years and two are six-month-old twins. The twins were born in February of 2024, and so have not known a moment that wasn't displacement.

Everyday they struggle in a tent, which is too hot, and difficult to keep clean. They struggle getting fresh food and water, as well much-needed sanitary supplies for the infants. The occupiers have closed Gaza to any cleaning supplies, destroyed the desalination plant in Gaza and Polio is active within the destroyed water systems. There is no running water and bathrooms are makeshift within tents.

Flies and other pests plague everyone, and clean water is continually in short supply and the newborns suffer from vitamin and calcium deficiencies.

With some financial support Mohammad has been able to provide an upgraded gas stove, rather than a pot over fire. He has also introduced fresh meat (chicken) into their diet, for a time; especially important due to the twins/ dependency upon milk from Samar.

Due to the extreme heat, Mohammad wishes in the immediate to provide a fan and battery for the children. Samar is also suffering from deficiencies and extreme exhaustion due to heat, and has been receiving treatment via fluid antibiotics at the hospital. The hospitals often have to send them away because there are so many other more critically wounded or dead. He believes a fan/battery would help with the conditions in their tent greatly, and provide some relief to them all. They are now in Dier al-balar, to the west of Khan Younis, where the violence has recently been highest.

Before the war, Mohammad and his family lived in Rafah, Gaza under the Occupation. He went to school at Al-Aqsa University and earned a Bachelor's degree in interior design engineering, including all of the building and installation, plaster and painting. They specialized in Cairo equipment, from Egypt, just across the border, and this work was sufficient for Mohammad and his family's well-being. In addition to his family, he bred canaries. However, when the conflict;ict broke out, everything - their home, livelihood, community have all been destroyed. They are now in Diet al-balar, to the west of Khan Younis, where the violence has recently been highest.

He worries daily if the bombing doesn't harm them, the hunger and disease will kill them.

I'm raising this campaign to help Mohammad and the Alwan family to leave Gaza through the Rafah crossing into Egypt, as soon as the border is open. God willing, they will find a secure future and stable education for his children. Once the fundraising goal is met, I will process the sum through my bank & send to Mohammad and his family using PayPal or any necessary means. Please help support Mohammad and his family by guaranteeing access to basic necessities. As soon as borders open they will cross and seek care elsewhere in Egypt. In the longterm, Mohammad would like to evacuate his family outside of the Middle East and abroad elsewhere, continuing his profession, seeking security and education for his children.

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  • Anonymous
    • $18
    • 54 mins
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 4 hrs
  • Melody Charron
    • $25
    • 6 hrs
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 8 hrs
  • Lily James
    • $30
    • 2 d


Stephanie Uzzell
Fairbanks, AK

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