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My Brother was shot 9 times during a robbery

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My big brother Frank was shot 9 times while working his job as a security officer. He was in an induced Coma for 72 hours. He lost his spleen and had 4 other surgeries.

He  lived abroud doing missionary work till he was 18 years old. He is a father of two. He has worked so hard to provide for his family frequently working 18 hour days and taking one or two vacation days a year. He is still in constant pain and struggling  everyday, it is a miracle he made it, and the Dr. said he was a fighter. 

He needs help to pay for his medical bills and other needs. He can't work and is still fighting for disability.
He hasn't received any financial help from the security company he was working for and is working with an attorney, but going through the legal system won't be quick or easy. 

I am asking from the bottom of my heart for help, even a small donation will go a long way. He has been through so much physical suffering, and Im asking for help with what can be helped, his financial needs. 
God bless you.



  • Anonym
    • $30
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sharon Schnizler
Houston, TX
Frank Farrell

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