Remembrances of David Shurtleff
David Timothy Shurtleff was born May 6, 1974 and died March 15, 2015. Many of his friends and acquaintances have expressed their feelings about him online and in person. Many have also asked how they can express their feelings about David by contributing something to the expenses of his passing and to his girls. His family is setting up this account to respond to that request. We appreciate all of the thoughts and feelings expressed by so many about our son and brother.
Everybody who knew Dave was impressed with his intelligence, his often sharp wit and his willingness to help others. He was an impressive guy and will be sorely missed. He leaves Alexis and Zoe in the care of Sally, who gave him such beautiful daughters. He is also survived by Charla, and Tim, his parents, his sister's family, Miriam and Matt Courtois and Miriam's Sons, Jayson and Zane Carter. He also leaves his brothers, Micah and Nathan and Nathan's son, Lyric.
Dave was too young to leave us this soon. We thank all that knew him for their thoughts and hope this fund will provide those friends who have asked for a means to do so, in lieu of sending flowers, to express their feelings toward Dave in a meaningful way,
A memorial service is being planned. Date and place will be announced shortly.