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PACE - Arts for at-risk children

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PACE is an outreach programme for children at risk, giving them free access to dance classes and life skills with leading industry professionals and the opportunity to develop self esteem, trust, discipline, nutrition and relationships.

Our 5 week winter programme is the first step on a long journey towards equalizing access to the arts for all children. These weekly workshops will be led by me, Helen Duffy,  international tap dancer and founder of PACE. We will work with the local community to offer the opportunity to the right candidates, giving them the chance to participate in this new experience. 

The dance element of the programme is the key to building confidence, discipline, creativity, focus and primarily giving them a goal to work towards and achieve. The idea of having a “performance” which they themselves have helped to create and develop is something we cannot access in many other activities, but through dance they will learn to trust each other as well as be responsible for their own role and also develop the skills to bring a goal into fruition from behind the scenes. 

Not only will we dance, but as a group we will work together on creating a team, having a safe space to speak, think, create and develop the social and life skills which their home or education environment may not be able to uphold. A huge part of this is developing an understanding of nutrition and healthy living. As a starting point, each child will receive a weekly goody bag containing some healthy snacks, water and a weekly recipe card, giving them a simple and safe idea for a meal to prepare at home and learning how to look after their bodies inside and out. 

We need your help to get the PACE show on the road, so we can grow into a sustainable and permanent program, enabling at-risk children to access the same opportunities and education as their peers, in a supportive and inspiring environment. In order to start in January 2021 we have just two short months to get off the ground, and give these children the kick start that they deserve. 

Our initial goal of £1550 will cover professional studio space, teaching costs, kit for each child, individual homework packs, and weekly “goody” bags. This initial burst of funding will give us the momentum to get off the ground and the ability to start developing a sustainable, long term program. We want this program to eventually be able to run year round, with regular workshops, support and a team of professional, inspiring leaders at the helm. You can help us in kick-starting this endeavour. 

Every donation, no matter how big or how small, will be valued beyond measure. We want to lead the way for all children to have the best start, the best education and the best outcome possible, so whatever you can do to help in this pursuit is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for sharing, donating, speaking and supporting. Time to pick up the PACE and create a positive future for the next generation. 

*Please note, for the success and safety of this program, a safeguarding policy will be in place and all staff DBS certified. The appropriate health and safety measures will be in place to make it Covid secure and in the event of changes to government guidelines, resulting in the postponing of the program, all funds will be secured until it is safe and approved to continue. 
Faire un don


  • Amber Van Sittert
    • £20
    • 11 mos
  • Nina Needham
    • £50
    • 1 yr
  • Insa Förterer
    • £100
    • 1 yr
  • Anonyme
    • £20
    • 2 yrs
  • Agnieszka Anane
    • £100
    • 2 yrs
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Helen Duffy

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