Padric's Miracle
Donation protected
Hi All ~
My name is Andrew Sanders, and I am writing on behalf of Padric Payton, a dear friend of mine, and a very special human.
Padric is currently fighting for his life with every ounce of energy he has left.
And he needs our help.
Padric needs our love, support, and prayers ~ but in order to continue fighting, he needs financial resources.
Even a small donation is a HUGE HELP for Padric right now!
There ARE very promising treatments he can try, but they cost a good deal of money.
Watch his short video here:
Padric has a light which touches people and makes them feel the sacredness and beauty of their own life.
He grew up in West Los Angeles, graduated from Cal Berkeley with a Rhetoric degree, had a band whose music featured in TV shows, and a fiancée he loved. A life.
Click here to experience some of Padric's music and poetry on his website.
Now he suffers from many rare diseases and neurological issues. Suffers is a word that does not have the power to portray his reality.
As his rare afflictions progress his life has been taken from him, and he daily fights a horrendous war against pain and illness.
In certain individuals it seems that suffering purifies the soul and creates a spirit of immense benevolence and love.
On the few good days where fate forgets itself and his pain is low enough to experience some small joy, I have been witness to his infinitely profound appreciation, gratitude, and love of life.
I wish everyone could witness such appreciation.
In this country healing costs money, and the available treatments remain financially beyond his reach.
Should he heal, he could heal many in return.
You can read below my signature to see a more detailed breakdown of Padric's financial needs.
Whether or not you can donate, we would be MOST grateful if you could share this fundraiser to help us spread the word.
Padric’s journey into illness began over 18 years ago and due to multiple incorrect diagnoses over the years, he has been steadily declining to the point where he needs to stay in bed most days simply to get through the day.
Therefore, he is unable to work to earn money to pay for the life-saving medical interventions that he needs.
This man has a will to life and love for life beyond anything I have ever seen. He has fought, and continues to fight, with immense courage and intelligence.
His illnesses are to be found on a Rare Diseases Register — which means his insurance won’t cover his costs.
Unfortunately, this has truly become a matter of life and death.
His medical situation is complex, but I will attempt to keep it short and simple.
(Feel free to skip this part if the medical details are too much.)
• He is experiencing nearly 24/7 horrendous pain.
• His vagus and phrenic nerves are damaged and trapped in his diaphragm — he is seeking an experimental decompression surgery to free them.
• The vagus nerve is one of the master nerves in the body and therefore governs many crucial functions.
• When he is afflicted by vagal neuropathy, he experiences states of profound dysphoria (opposite of euphoria) causing states of suffering beyond comprehension (waking nightmare).
• Mast Cell Activation Syndrome — causes severe allergic and immune symptoms, as well as severe joint, bone, and nerve pain.
• Allergic and autoimmune reactive to most foods, medications, and supplements.
• Severe GI distress making it painful to eat.
• Serious bacterial & fungal colonization in the GI tract. The treatments here relate to Fecal Microbiota Transplant and IV anti-biotics and anti-fungals, in addition to Exosomes (placenta-based stem cells)
• Recurring and progressive autoimmune flares, which worsens the other issues.
• Nerve roots in thoracic spine damaged years ago by viral reactivation that started all this illness at age 21 — analogous to internal shingles.
It's an extreme case of co-morbidity, where each medical issue worsens or affects the other problems.
Given Padric’s Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, he has become allergic to most everything and has to be extremely stringent on what he puts in his body. This results in him having to compound his medications, removing dyes and fillers, at a special pharmacy. As insurance won't cover this, he has to pay hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars out of pocket just for his meds.
As you can possibly imagine, this creates a baseline experience of life which is crippled by severe anxiety and depression. He suffers PTSD from multiple angles, some from his experience in the medical system, as well as his continual and worsening experience of his own pain.
However, all of this is not without hope. Most recently he has begun to receive diagnoses which are accurate and true to his condition. Additionally, he has begun to finally gain access to the doctors and specialists which can help Padric not only deal with symptoms but help treat the organic causes of his illnesses.
This is why this GoFundMe is crucial. Padric needs money to finally tackle the cures which are just at his weary fingertips. The man fights and he needs help in order that his fight may lead to ultimate victory. For if he does not receive financial assistance, I am not being hyperbolic, he will die.
As I stated before, Padric is an individual who has grown and developed on a level of soul which very few human beings have ever accomplished. Should he be able to finally get and pay for his cure, the benefit he could provide to others would be incalculable. The value of his life to others who suffer, others who are lost in pain and sorrow, would be immense. Much darkness would be illuminated by love that has been where others are, and can see what they can’t yet, and inspire them to reach back out into the light.
"There but for the grace of God go I."
Thank you in advance for your generosity ~
On behalf of Padric ~
From Padric:
I am in $50,000 of maxed medically related credit card debt, and another $40,000 of unpaid medical debt. Because of interest, these amounts are increasing every month.
$2,000/month for meds. This is because I am allergic to all generic medications, and my insurance won't cover the compounded meds I am able to tolerate because they are free of dyes and fillers.
$1,000 - $1,500 per month to continue to see my expert neurologist and immune specialist, who don't take insurance. Unfortunately, these are the only doctors with expertise to treat such rare problems as mine.
$2,000 for continued microbiome testing so we can determine which parts of my immune system are most impacted, and treat the infections.
$10,000 for ongoing stuns of trapped vagus and phrenic nerves, so I can walk and talk without diaphragm cramping and experiencing unbearable, severe pain. These also prevent my nervous system from going haywire from my inflamed vagus nerve. These stuns last a few months, and I need them to survive to keep fighting for more permanent solutions.
$4,500 for EBOO blood cleaning. UV and ozone to clean my blood of fungal & bacterial infections. Minimum series of 3 needed.
$10,000 per exosome stem cell treatment for potential "miracle" nerve regeneration of damaged nerves and healing of gut lining.
$100,000 - $150,000 for the "Big Miracle." Hopeful eventual surgery to decompress trapped phrenic and vagus nerves, which are causing severe nervous and immune dysfunction.
(This won't be covered by insurance because it would be the first of its kind ever performed.)
Fundraising team (2)

Erin Melissa Pillman
Los Angeles, CA
Padric Payton
Andrew Sanders
Team member