Paige's 2nd chance at life
Donation protected
Paige Gouge's story...
In December of last year, at the age of 25, I was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumour, the same tumour which sadly killed my father in June of 2000. Although the NHS has been incredible, due to this being a grade 4 tumour, it's almost guaranteed to return. Sadly it seems that the Standard of Care provided by the NHS isn't enough to beat this disease, so we have had to start exploring alternative options.
After months of research and many consultations, we have found groundbreaking treatment in Germany which could give me a second chance at life. Sadly this treatment is very expensive, so we have no option but to do everything we can as a family to raise the money and get me this extremely important treatment which I desperately need.
The treatment is essentially a personalised vaccine made from parts of my tumour which will help my immune system to recognise the foreign cancer cells and destroy them. Luckily, I have some favourable mutations in my tumour, which should make this treatment even more effective, which is why we are so certain this is the best avenue to go down.
Below are links to the company and also some previous studies that have been done:
Thank you in advance for any donations; they mean the world to my family and me.
Stroy has now been signed with Cater News.
Taylor Allen