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This whole cancer thing is starting to get old...I've been through 6 months of chemo, my double mastectomy and the first phase of my reconstruction.....my bills are piling up. I have co -pays for every appointment and at least 2 appointments at most 5 appointments a week. Radiation starts next week so I'll start having two appointments a day with a copay at each one.... Normally it wouldn't be an issue, but we have the renters in Todd's house moving out ($1200 a month we'll have to pay), our daycare bill going up by $240 a month for Tori's 4K costs ( it's already $975 a month) and my husband just took a major pay cut to take a job closer to home to accommodate me through all of this with my many appointments and what not.......our dryer is broken and we have tried to fix it on our own the cheaper way, but nothing has worked so far so we'll be having to pay a bunch of money for someone else to look at it and fix it.... we pay to get my dad down here as often as possible because he's such a big help when he's here with the house and the girls and dogs, he goes to my appointments with me when my husband can't make it, he goes grocery shopping with me so he can do all of the heavy lifting. Same with picking up the girls so he can put them in the vehicle for me... but those tickets are starting to add up as well. I signed up for classes because well A. I want a degree to get a good job, but B. To try and cover some of these co pays and bills. Cancer has taken a huge toll on myself and my family. We grin and bare it most times and just try to trudge through, but some days that's much easier said than done. I have not doubt that we will make it through this. Might be by the skin of our teeth but we'll come out of it and we'll be stronger than ever! Now I'm not normally one to ask for help, but I'm starting to stress over this and I do not want to have to pull my kids out of daycare when I am not fully capable of taking care of them by myself every day all day right now... I'm not able to work with all of these appointments and radiation coming up plus another surgery or two for my reconstruction... my family has already been through so much.... anything would help and is so very much appreciated. I have tried getting more orders with my crafting to help bring in more income for us, but the few dollars here and there really isn't making much of a difference..... I feel out of options at this point when focusing on beating cancer has to be (should be) my main goal. I have too much to live for. That is why I have stooped to my lowest point and am asking for help.....
Paige Leann Graham
Dalzell, SC