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Help with Urgent Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery

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1. English
2. Deutsch
3. Hrvatski

1. English

Hello to all the compassionate souls joining me on this journey,

I am Dalia—a woman of resilience, a daughter, a proud mother and grandmother, a wife, and a cherished friend. Life has always been a whirlwind, but lately, pain has tightened its grip on me.

As someone who rarely asks for help, reaching out for donations has been a daunting step. But the challenges I face have become overwhelming. Despite my independent nature, I've realized I can't overcome this alone. So, with a heavy heart, I'm asking for your support.

For the past five years, I've battled excruciating pain from two prolapsed discs and degenerative disc disease. Despite surgeries, the agony persists, casting a shadow over every day. Now, artificial disc replacement surgery holds the promise of a new beginning—a life free from pain and dependency on pills.

After years of research, I've found specialists in Germany, France, and India. The costs are daunting, including MRIs, consultations, hospital stays, accommodations, and travel expenses.

Surgery costs for two artificial discs range from 20,000 to 70,000 EUR.

However, additional expenses pile up:

● MRIs: 200 EUR each
● Initial Consultations: 300 - 500 EUR
● Hospital Stay: 2,000 - 4,000 EUR for 14 days
● Accommodation: Up to 2,500 EUR
● Return Flights: 200 - 600 EUR
● Medication, physiotherapy, etc.

Your support can help me cover these costs and regain my quality of life. Every contribution counts. Whether through a donation or spreading the word, you can be the beacon of hope guiding me towards healing.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Your kindness means more than words can express. Together, we can turn pain into triumph and embrace a future filled with possibilities.

With gratitude,
Dalia ❤️

  • Blue circled healthy disc with grey color. Red circled L4-S1 discs with degenerative disease, with black color and prolapsed discs (on the picture on the right side herniations are pressing spinal cord and nerve roots).

  • New discovery 03/2024 MRI!! L4/L5 herniated disc (I named it #GODZILLA as it seems it that almost all of it is out) is pressing and causing excruciating pain and discomforts like numbness, cramping and feelings like I do not have a control over my leg. This #Godzilla is risking me loosing functions of the leg, disability and loosing functions such as bladder and bowel control, as it is pressing (making its way) toward L4/L5 and L5/S1 nerve roots!

  • L4/L5 disc pressing spinal cord (blue circled). Space between disc (vertebra) and facets (Y shaped bone) is supposed to be gray colored, as there are nerve roots and spinal cord. But is pressed by herniated disc.

  • L5/S1 disc pressing spinal cord (red and blue circled). Space between disc (vertebra) and facets (Y shaped bone) is supposed to be gray colored, as there are nerve roots and spinal cord. But is pressed by herniated disc.

  • Reduced discs L4/L5 (first red arrow) and L5/S1 (second red arrow) height because of the degenerative disc disease and herniation (L4/L5 is a massive one). Normal discs heights are marked with blue arrows. The difference is noticeable. Meaning, as soon as discs are gone, there will be only bone on the bone (vertebra on the vertebra).

  • ADR - Artificial disk replacement. A prosthesis which preserves normal spine movement and guarantees that one can resume its normal. pain free, life.

  • First surgery - endoscopic microdiscectomy

  • Second surgery - microdiscedctomy

2. Deutsch

Hallo an alle mitfühlenden Seelen, die mich auf dieser Reise begleiten,

Ich bin Dalia – eine widerstandsfähige Frau, eine Tochter, eine stolze Mutter und Großmutter, eine Ehefrau und eine geschätzte Freundin. Das Leben war schon immer ein Wirbelsturm, aber in letzter Zeit hat mich der Schmerz immer stärker im Griff.

Als jemand, der selten um Hilfe bittet, war die Suche nach Spenden ein entmutigender Schritt. Aber die Herausforderungen, denen ich gegenüberstehe, sind überwältigend geworden. Trotz meiner unabhängigen Natur habe ich erkannt, dass ich das nicht alleine bewältigen kann. Deshalb bitte ich schweren Herzens um Ihre Unterstützung.

In den vergangenen fünf Jahren kämpfte ich mit unerträglichen Schmerzen aufgrund von zwei Bandscheibenvorfällen und einer degenerativen Bandscheibenerkrankung. Trotz Operationen bleiben die Qualen bestehen und werfen einen Schatten auf jeden Tag. Jetzt verspricht der chirurgische Bandscheibenersatz einen Neuanfang – ein Leben ohne Schmerzen und Pillenabhängigkeit.

Nach jahrelanger Recherche habe ich Spezialisten in Deutschland, Frankreich und Indien gefunden. Die Kosten sind enorm und umfassen MRTs, Konsultationen, Krankenhausaufenthalte, Unterkunft und Reisekosten.

Die OP-Kosten für zwei künstliche Bandscheiben liegen zwischen 20.000 und 70.000 EUR.

Allerdings häufen sich zusätzliche Ausgaben:

● MRTs: jeweils 200 EUR
● Erstberatung: 300 - 500 EUR
● Krankenhausaufenthalt: 2.000 – 4.000 EUR für 14 Tage
● Unterkunft: Bis zu 2.500 EUR
● Hin- und Rückflug: 200 - 600 EUR
● Medikamente, Physiotherapie usw.

Ihre Unterstützung kann mir helfen, diese Kosten zu decken und meine Lebensqualität zurückzugewinnen. Jeder Beitrag zählt. Ob durch eine Spende oder durch die Verbreitung der Nachricht, Sie können der Leuchtfeuer der Hoffnung sein, der mich zur Heilung führt.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie mich auf dieser Reise begleitet haben. Ihre Freundlichkeit bedeutet mehr, als Worte ausdrücken können. Gemeinsam können wir den Schmerz in Triumph verwandeln und eine Zukunft voller Möglichkeiten annehmen.

Mit bestem Dank,
Dalia ❤️

3. Hrvatski

Pozdrav svim suosjećajnim dušama koje mi se pridružuju na ovom putovanju,

Ja sam Dalia—otporna žena, kći, ponosna majka i baka, supruga i draga prijateljica. Život je oduvijek bio vrtlog, ali u posljednje vrijeme bol me je sve više stezala.

Kao netko tko rijetko traži pomoć, traženje donacija bio je zastrašujući korak. Ali izazovi s kojima se suočavam postali su ogromni. Unatoč mojoj neovisnoj prirodi, shvatila sam da to ne mogu prevladati sama. Stoga, teška srca, tražim vašu podršku.

Posljednjih pet godina borila sam se s neopisivom boli uzrokovanom prolapsom dva diska i degenerativnom bolešću diska. Unatoč operacijama, agonija ne prestaje, bacajući sjenu na svaki dan. Sada operacija zamjene umjetnog diska obećava novi početak - život bez boli i ovisnosti o tabletama.

Nakon godina istraživanja, pronašla sam stručnjake u Njemačkoj, Francuskoj i Indiji. Troškovi su zastrašujući, uključujući MRI, konzultacije, boravak u bolnici, smještaj i putne troškove.

Troškovi operacije za dva umjetna diska kreću se od 20.000 do 70.000 eura.

Međutim, dodatni troškovi se gomilaju:

● MRI: 200 EUR svaki
● Početne konzultacije: 300 - 500 EUR
● Boravak u bolnici: 2.000 - 4.000 EUR za 14 dana
● Smještaj: Do 2.500 EUR
● Povratni letovi: 200 - 600 EUR
● Lijekovi, fizioterapija itd.

Vaša mi podrška može pomoći da pokrijem ove troškove i vratim kvalitetu života. Svaki doprinos se računa. Bilo kroz donaciju ili širenje vijesti, možete biti svjetionik nade koji će me voditi prema ozdravljenju.

Hvala vam što ste mi se pridružili na ovom putovanju. Vaša ljubaznost znači više nego što se riječima može izraziti. Zajedno možemo pretvoriti bol u trijumf i prigrliti budućnost punu mogućnosti.

Sa zahvalnošću,
Dalia ❤️


  • Ana Kovacic
    • €30
    • 2 mos
  • Anonymous
    • €400 (Offline)
    • 3 mos
  • F. V.
    • €40 (Offline)
    • 3 mos
  • Anonymous
    • €50
    • 3 mos
  • Stefica i Brajo
    • €120 (Offline)
    • 3 mos

Fundraising team: Team GoDalia, you can do it! (4)

Dalia Knezevic
Enea Dosen
Team member
Robert Dosen
Team member
Vjekoslav Knezevic
Team member

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