Painting teacher sued for hosting women’s motorcycle event.
Donation protected
One week ago I was served with a stack of lawsuit paperwork, at the start of one of my art classes. I barely had the time to look at the first page, but I saw my name, the name of my business, and the statement that they are coming after me for upwards of $25,000. A lawyer is going to cost even more than that. My first court date, in about two weeks. As a sole proprietor, my business has taken a massive hit since COVID. Teaching art has been my pride and joy, and it felt like I was living my purpose in its entirety. And now I stand to lose it all.
My name is Jackie “Danger” King, and I am an art teacher, as well as a motorcycle rider. When I was approached a couple years ago about teaching a painting class in association with a women’s riding group, of course that was an enthusiastic “Yes”! I remember when I got my first motorcycle, it was exciting but lonely. I didn’t know any other girl riders, and it took 6 months of riding alone before I found another “women’s motorcycle meet up” and I finally met other girls to ride with. Some of these girls became my best friends, and we have been riding together for 12 years now. As a lifelong artist, I teach many types of art classes, but paint your motorcycle is near and dear to my heart because it’s an amazing chance to create a safe space for women in a industry that is completely dominated by men, to come and do a creative project, and get to know other riders, so they can create the same kind of lasting bonds that have had such an enormous impact on my life.
After travel expenses, supplies and hand drawing each persons motorcycle, the take home is often not much if anything at all. Every other one of my events is co-ed, and I am not a discriminatory person.
This lawsuit is based on an unfortunate trend that has been happening in the San Diego courts. Men are legally attacking business and individuals who are creating safe spaces for women, and declaring it discrimination against them. With a little research I found similar cases, with news articles entailing what happened. One, a single mother and DJ, hosted a ladies only dance party. These women are small businesses, struggling to survive just like me.
It feels like women can’t have safe spaces anymore.
I need support. I need a lawyer immediately. Women may not be able to have events anymore.
I’ve got maxed out credit cards, plus student loans and back taxes. There is nothing but debt, my love for teaching and my cats. I don’t want to end up homeless or lose my animals.
If you can help in any way, it is received with so much gratitude. I am not giving up and I am committed to fighting for safe spaces.
Please help me fight, save and share this link, and follow the story! I’ll be updating you here first.
love, Jackie
P.S. The lawsuit is public domain and anyone can view the legal documents.
Fundraising team: Fundraising team (2)
Jackie King
Costa Mesa, CA
Jade Bunk
Team member