Pale Fire Helps
Pale Fire Helps is a partnership between Pale Fire Brewing Co, Sysco
Foods, Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance and Digital Minerva.
Our goal is to help people in the restaurant industry with direct
support by supplying food products, free of charge.
The restaurant industry has been decimated by the COVID-19 virus
and our country’s need to close or restrict public gathering spaces.
Hundreds of restaurant workers in Harrisonburg and the surrounding
area have been laid off with no idea of when they will be able to return
to work. This means, for many, a total loss of income with little warning.
Pale Fire has a large, airy tap room which, like most restaurants, is
presently closed to the public. We have put that space to work as a pickup location for food items generously donated by Sysco Foods.
Anyone in the restaurant industry is welcome to stop by our space and pick up shelf stable food products.
Monetary donations to Pale Fire Helps will be used to purchase more
food we can distribute in a similar fashion.
We appreciate any and all support in these unprecedented times.