Healing to Thrive Love Art Tour!
It has been almost 4 years since I was told I would die in a year…
I have changed; I continually evolve and develop to a better version of what I am and many parts of me did die; I got to release and let go of a sense of societal programming that was not serving my higher self and my purpose on this planet.
In the planet; not of it.
Instead I removed the body from the system of Western drugs, poison and human testing found in the “Health”-”Care” industry (especially in the US).
In finding what felt best in the body, mind, spirit I fully immerse myself in alternative healing modalities and ancient natural methods
I have been traveling America (Western US, Vnzuela & Hawaii) finding the best environments; nourishments and lifestyles that promoted the health I saw possible. (*Spelling of Vnzuela due to this site's algorithms :)
The Art work I did as a form of Art-Therapy for myself funded healing modalities and healthy life style that kept me going..
While hosting Art-Shows to fundraise for costs of a healing life-style I also colored and illustrated the children’s book live. And developed the Healing to Thrive Love Art Tour to what it is today!
Interactive street Art installations encouraging Self-Love; Self-Acceptance & Self-Expression as we learn about ourselves and our environment with whimsical characters and inspiring messages chalked on the sidewalks. Unconditional Love Art-Cards to share with our Loved ones and sharing hugs and eye gazes that last for as long as they feel them… What a privilege to hold such space..<3
The book pages are now finished! I have the ISBN# And I’m now putting the book form together to send to the printers very very soon!
Book publishing on it’s way!
I’m also expanding the product line to have my Art work printed on multiple useful household items and kid products!
In committing myself as an Artist; I’ve dedicated over 100 hours per page of the book; making it now over 2000 hours worth of expert art work..
And in seeing it all come together I now see opportunities to go on trade shows to show the product line and to showcase the illustrations to potential buyers.
I have renewed the Green Card, the old one was updated and I’m waiting for the hard copy to come in the mail before I can apply for citizenship!
I am amazed to see what one person can accomplish with hard-work and dedication.. For myself.. I call it “Delusional Perseverance” … When you keep going one step at a time regardless of what one may be navigating through at a time. Giving up or setting has never been an option and outworking myself to a grater capacity has been the constant development…
Thank you for all your Love; support and encouragement.. It’s not always easy to put your talents on the line for everyone to see so transparently. It is quite scary at times; and that is where courage comes in handy ;) I see rejection as a learning curve and obstacles the stepping stones to the improved upon life situation..
I am constantly surrounded by Angels and I continually find the support I need to keep going… Humbling gratitude to serve you as the Artist.. Thank you!
Thank you SO MUCH for contributing! If you have not received a matted print or cards; please send me your mailing address and name of the piece you’d like me to mail to you ;)