Parijata Dance Company Online
Welcome to PARIJATA DANCE COMPANY ONLINE website | FB | Insta
Phew! 18 classes and 7 virtual parties later, we've raised over $2,000 toward PDC. I'll be putting a portion of proceeds from our last party (Soul Food + Solidarity) toward ActBlue Bail Funds to support folks caught up in the unjust bail/sentencing regime. Thank you donors!
Hi, I'm Parijat Desai, Artistic Director of Parijata Dance Company, and I'm sharing info on my online dance offerings. I began the Virtual Dance Party in mid-March and the classes in April—thank you, donors, for your participation and gifts! Since the beginning of May, I'm using GoFundMe as the main page for info, updates, and donations.
My choreography is a hybrid of contemporary dance, Indian classical and folk dance, martial art, and other movement forms. My productions interweave dance, experimental theater, and live music. I also lead Dance In The Round, workshops in garba and raas, circle dances from Gujarat, India for people of all ages and abilities.
All these activities have halted, and I and my collaborators are affected. We are dancers, musicians, designers, and dramaturges — gig workers who face ongoing financial challenges.
But, often destruction makes space for new growth. Join me online with your friends and family. I offer these activities to help you find a flow, channel energy, feel joy, and express freedom. Support artists from the convenience of home!
All online offerings are donation-based, suggested $5–$25. | Any amount welcome. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Looking forward to bringing movement and music to your home,
Garba-Gong is the online version of my in-person Dance In The Round workshops, based on garba and raas, vibrant circle dances from Gujarat, India.
The online format focuses on individual well-being — through breath, movement, rhythm, and awareness.
Warming and centering exercises based on qi gong and contemporary dance, are followed by the swinging steps of garba. Designed to help you loosen up and move more freely. All welcome. We will:
—mobilize the joints
—increase heat/circulation
—do basic breathwork
—learn movements and choreography in the garba style
—end with easy stretch
Thursdays 12:00–1:00p ET | 9:00–10:00a PT
Saturdays 1:00–12:00p ET | 9:00–10:00a PT
To register, scroll down to the "UPDATES" Section.
Dance is a powerful vehicle for expressing/releasing sadness, supporting our sense of well-being, activating energy, and embodying our connection to Life Force.
I play a range of musics: hip-hop, soul, house, bhangra, arabic, latin, gujarati raas, sufi qawwali for this party (named for Gabriel García Márquez's classic novel).
Party Structure
Arrive [5 min]
Freestyle Warm-up + Dance [35 min]
Break/Featured Musical Artist [5–6 min]
More Freestyling [12 min]
Hangout [15–20 min]
IS IT A CLASS? No it's a party. Do your dance—whatever you're moved to do. Come and go as you please.
WHAT TO WEAR? Fave b-boy/girl pants, flowy skirt, pajamas, ritual garb, lipstick, gel, mask—make a choice that suits you.
SELF-CARE: Have your favorite mat, ball, roller, chair—in case you need to pause to roll or stretch. Knowing your limits is important in a corona-era dance party!
Kids, 4-legged friends, and all others welcome.
Saturday May 9, 8:30p ET | 5:30p PT
Saturday May 30, 8:30p ET 5:30p PT
To register, scroll down to the "UPDATES" Section."