Pa’s 1000k In June For Mindsmatter Newbridge
Hi Guys.
I would usually plan a charity event every summer in the gym but this year we are in a different position so I’ve decided to take on this personal challenge instead.
Each day in June I hope to Run 11.5kms and Cycle 22kms bringing the monthly total to over 1000kms in 30 days.
I’ve decided to try raise money for a local charity in Newbridge called Mindsmatter, a not for profit charity working tirelessly to help create structured platforms for the youth of the town to seek out help and support in a time of need.
the founder of the charity, my friend Charlotte has worked Extremely hard to get this much needed service up and running and I genuinely believe it’s something that will be needed more than ever for our town during and indeed after this pandemic.
I will start my challenge on Monday June 1st and work all the way through to Tuesday June 30th. I will keep you up to date on how I’m doing every now and again throughout the month on my Social media platforms.
Any few euro at all towards this local charity would be greatly appreciated guys and thanks in advance to you all.