Medical Fundraiser
Donation protected

Next, surgery was scheduled to remove the tumor found in his sigmoid colon. He was assured it would be a simple resection surgery and should only be in the hospital for three days however there were complications. An abscess formed at the surgery site and a leak occurred causing intestinal fluid to leak into his blood. This resulted in septic shock. He was transferred to ICU where he was intubated. The infection had already affected his lungs and kidneys. He went into Afib and had to have emergency surgery to correct the leak and he received an ileostomy. He was in very critical condition and needed dialysis for the kidney injury. After about a month he was transferred to another floor where he received a tracheostomy to help him breath and continued dialysis.
Through only a miracle, with thousands of people including his wife, friends, family and strangers he has never met praying for him, he was able to ween off of the vent and the trache was downsized. Dave was moved to rehab where they helped him to gain strength and walk again. After a little over two months in the hospital he was able to return home with help of an in home visiting nurse and in home rehab. He also had to continue outpatient dialysis and iron infusions.
This was not the end. As he was still recovering, he had a very large pressure ulcer(bed sore) on his tailbone from being in the hospital bed. It had to be packed daily as it was shrinking. Finally in October of 2020 his kidney's recovered enough to go off of dialysis. His surgeon scheduled his ostomy reversal surgery. After the operation a fistula formed that caused his bowel to exit through the path of least resistance...the pressure ulcer. Back into surgery, he had to get another ostomy until the lower part of his colon and fistula heals. The doctor gave him a would vac to help close up the ulcer and the fistula. This had to be changed every three days by a visiting nurse.
Two more failed surgeries and multiple trips to the hospital with dehydration and another acute kidney injury, he now has his third ileostomy bag. Dave today has a permanent colostomy. He continues to get stronger and working on improving his kidneys which are currently considered stage three kidney disease. They are monitoring his heart rhythm with a loop recorder.
This has been a long road to recovery from the initial diagnosed colon cancer. He is thankful and blessed that the cancer was removed at stage 2 with no need for chemo. The insurance deductible at the time was high under his wife’s insurance. Today he is delinquent in $20,000 to nephrologist for hospital stay in 2020, $6,000 delinquent in unpaid hospital bills, and $4,000 in credit card debt.
This man that has humbly helped the homeless for many years and ministered to those in need is now in need himself. Any contribution large or small will be appreciated along with prayers. God bless and keep you.
David PD Zacker
Grand Blanc, MI