Pastor Greg Young's Medical Expense
Donation protected

Many are saying of me, "God will not deliver him." But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the LORD, and He answers me from His holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. Psalm 3:2-6
At about 2 p,. Thursday, July 6, 2017, Pastor Greg and our 15 year old daughter Jackie, were on the highway doing about 55 mph just outside of Bandera, on the way to the studio to do the radio show.
An elderly gentleman driving large 1998 or 1999 four door truck with an extra long bed, quickly exited a parking lot and entered the highway, stopping precisely in front of our vehicle perpendicularly, blocking both lanes going our way and the emergency lane, 3 lanes total.
We are guessing that he didn't see our vehicle.
Now here is the twist. Jackie was in the left seat, driving our car. Pastor Greg was in the front passenger seat on the right.
Our vehicle was totaled upon impact. The initial impact was at the front left corner, and it happened so fast, that the airbags didn't go off until after impact. (The engine collapsed into the vehicle pushing everything and the dashboard further into the front cab on the left.)
Everyone helping, on the scene, was insistently working on Jackie, while she agressively insisted, "I'm not hurt. Go help my dad!"
Many were baffled as to why Jackie was not injured.
She was covered in blood, the impact was on her side, they thought she should have sustained many injuries. They cut off her clothing, but her only injury was pain from the sternum to her right shoulder.
On the other hand, Pastor Greg, who side of the vehicle had minimal impact, was unconscious and bleeding profusely.
Pastor degloved his left cheek, the forehead, and the top of his head, he crushed the left eye bed and he broke his nose.
He crushed the base of the back of the skull; there are 2 breaks in the neck, 2 breaks in the T-spine, he broke 2 ribs, and broke the right wrist, and the left hand.
On his left leg, he broke the pelvis, the hip, the femur, the fibula, and tibia.
And worst of all, he crushed his right knee and the tibia.
He was taken by air ambulance to the nearest Trauma 1 hospital about 30 miles away.
As of today, he has had 17 surgeries and he still needs a few more to save his eye. We are hoping and praying that the bone will just heal properly.
The current "best case scenario" diagnosis for his right knee, is that he might be able to use it to pivot. For the most part, the experts are telling us, he will be in a wheelchair. In the house, he will have a walker with a platform attachment to make his arm act like a leg.
We will have to widen the doorways, redo one bathroom,
(take out the island in the kitchen,)
(we all hated that island anyway, ;-D ),
and we need a good ramp so he can get into the house. If he is going to be able to go anywhere in the house, it will have to be redone.
Ideally, it would be nice to redo the flooring of the main areas, and the bedroom, to eliminate the trip factor.
We are being told that the insurance won't pay for certain medical things he will need when we go home, so those will come out of pocket also.
Our medical bills are, a little overwhelming. That's all i'm going to say about that.
Please help us get the things we need.
Oh, and if you're wondering how was it that Jackie was perfectly fine even though the impact was on her side, and Greg sustained so many injuries despite being seated on the minimaly damaged side; Well, we were all perplexed, just as those who were first on the scene.
He was on hallucinogeic drugs the first 2 weeks, so we could not speak with him.
It wasn't until about 8 days after the accident, some bruises showed up on Pastor Greg's right arm, that made me suspect he had in fact taken his seatbelt off! During one of his more lucid moments, several days later, I asked him if he took off his seatbelt and he said to me, "God told me, "Seatbelt. Jackie." and I knew I needed to take off my seatbelt and protect Jackie, so I threw myself onto her."
Initially, because I am me, I was not believing that it was God, but in fact, a false voice, that said those words. I was mad at Greg that he took off his seatbelt. But the more I thought about it, the clearer it became.
Jackie would more than likely be dead, from hitting the steering wheel, if he had not thrown himself onto her. He pinned her into the seat, taking the impact of the steering wheel on himself.
He saved our baby girl.
He is our hero.
Please hlep us get the things we need.
$1000 ramp
$2000 doors and doorways
$8000 bathroom
$7000 remodel main area (This isn't absolutely necessary, but it would be nice.)
Greg Young
Bandera, TX