"Pat Fish has been unwell"
Donation protected
He is a Master of Budvar. He is an old Wilsonian. He is a Scandal in a Bath of Bacon and the Last of the Gentlemen Adventurers.
Pat Fish, aka. Mr Jazz Butcher, aka. The Almost Abstemious Bohemian Godfather of the New Barcelona, NN1 Northampton has been unwell. This will come as a bit of a shock to those of you who may have thought that he was always slightly unwell, which is just a matter of opinion anyway.
Fishy’s recent bout of unwellness has NOT, unfortunately, been a matter of opinion . Like climate change and the fact that Spurs might beat Liverpool in that football thingy, it is an unfortunate fact of life, (depending on who you support).
I am not going to go into medical details here, because …well, that’s probably best left to healthcare professionals who have already had their breakfast, and dwelling on the details all seems a bit UN-Fishy somehow.
Honestly….I had to browbeat the poor man deep into the night just to get him to agree to this fundraiser in the first place.
Despite his recent brush with inconvenient unwellness, Pat has, unsurprisingly, remained Fishily stoic throughout. Perhaps a little too stoic. He hardly told a soul about it all. But then, as he himself said, “Sure, what else is there to do of a January and February but go to the radiology department anyway?”
I suppose at this point I should start reassuring some of you that Pat does seem to have seen off the reaper this time, and he has been responding well to treatment. He remains “Cautiously optimistic.”
Which is probably a fairly good outlook for everyone, all of the time, anyway isn’t it?
Anyway …guess what? Pat is a musician and, consequently he is a little on the light side of comfortably off sometimes. Understandably, this is one of those times. It's kind of difficult to hit the stage and entertain the people when there are medical necessities that need attending to.
Pat has asked me to point out that this fundraiser is not to pay for his actual medical treatment, (though recovery might be said to be a large part pf treatment), because, thankfully, we live in a country in which it is not always necessary to sell one of your kidneys to afford the medicine to make the other kidney better. We have free healthcare, and the very fine people at Northampton hospital have been doing their utmost to keep the Butcher, butchering, which is how we like him .
But hey, working ain't exactly easy on the road to recovery ...so here we are.
I think we can all agree that recuperation is probably best endured without having to keep half an eye on the electricity meter while skimping on the lentils and wondering if Raoul can be fed properly.
Of course Raoul would always be fed. Even if he had to eat Fishy.
Let us not let that happen, ladies and gentlemen. Let us not let Fishy be nibbled by Raoul.
Raoul is Pat’s cat, by the way. In case you were wondering.
So, dig deep. Get your wodge out. Throw a few pennies in the old boy’s hat.
He’s a a lovely fellow and I know he’s helped a lot of people out over the years. Me included. Probably you too, in some way, if you’ve made it this far.
Let’s help make his continued recuperation as economically serene as possible and then we might all enjoy the twiglet uplands of our continued existence together, relatively unskint, for the forseeable future
If you would rather use paypal here is the link directly for that.
We are in the process of gathering rewards, geegaws, magical amulets and golden tickets so that you might have a keepsake of your donation if you wish. If you have any magical amulets to donate ...please get in touch.
There is a Masters of Budvar testimonial rewind concert being organised at the Labour Club in Northampton on the 22nd of June.
That might prove to be quite a night if you are in the vicinity.
All monies raised through that, and this, go directly to Mr Fish, forthwith and without let or hindrance.
If you can't throw in financial help, then a social share of this fundraiser or a shoutout on social media helps to spread the word, and that goes a long way too.
Cash from Cancer …because every cloud has a silver lining, even if it’s only a few quid.
Many thanks for your time and consideration
PS. Pat's other suggestion for this fundraiser was that I might include a slightly less terrifying picture of Raoul.
Here he is looking louche and full of catfood.
Let's keep him that way.
Organizer and beneficiary
Will Carruthers
Patrick Huntrods