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Patch, border collie puppy that needs two new hips

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Hi, to everyone who has found their way to this page and my cry for help.
I’m a mum to two amazing children, my eldest is now 14 and has a rare genetic disability and my youngest is 8 and a real earth angel.

Last year we lost our beloved border collie Skye, she was 10 years old and diagnosed with lymphoma she passed away just one week later. This is her at Halloween. 
My children were bereft and I cannot describe how empty our home felt without her, my son cried every day she was his best friend and like a therapy dog for him. 

Out of the blue, I get a message about a white border collie needing to be rehomed from a working farm as he was suspected to be deaf and poor sighted therefore no use to the farm :0( 

Enter patch what a bundle of pure joy he has been.  Not deaf or poor sighted he soon settled into his new home and was full of puppy enthusiasm and curiosity.

Until about a month ago when at 10 months old he suddenly started limping heavily and slipping over when playing with his toys. 

After seeing the local orthopaedic vet he has been diagnosed with severe bi-lateral hip dysplasia (this means it affects both hips) 

It’s been explained to us the best treatment for patch at this young age for longevity and quality of life is a full hip replacement in both legs. This needs to be carried out by a referral vet the one we have chosen is 55 miles away from home and has a fixed price of 6k per hip replacement.
His left hip is to be done first as that’s the worst affected followed by his right when that show signs of lameness. This is a generic picture of what the surgery entails and what his new hips should look like.

Now here’s the massive stinger the pet insurance won’t cover it. And it’s too late to get him insured elsewhere as it’s a pre existing condition now. 

So ultimately I need to find Twelve thousand pounds.

As a family we are terrified, that is an absolute fortune to us and it seems insurmountable and time is not our friend either. 

Every day patch is in pain and can’t live a normal care free puppy life. He can’t go on walks and he’s not encouraged to play in case it causes dislocation. 

My kids are terrified of him being “ill” because of what happened with Skye. I’m in bits because I just want to do the best for him and feel so helpless. 

Any help will be so greatly appreciated. 

I’ll post regular updates and pics of his progress for everyone to see.






Rachel Dobson

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