Patricia Meyers Cancer Fight
Donation protected
My name is Patti Meyers and I really never thought to be doing this, raising money to fight my own battle with cancer. My story starts with a simple, but irritating stomach ache that I just couldn’t get to go away. After months of trying everything I could think of, the pain became so bad I went to urgent care. That is the point where my world began to fall apart. I was taken to Marshfield Medical Center in Marshfield where I had to have stents put in my kidney tubes. During surgery, while removing some neurotic tissue, my doctor discovered a mass in my cervix. I heard the word cancer for the first time that day. After waiting 6 days for the biopsy to come back, I had the answer…Stage 4 Cervical Cancer. I was absolutely terrified, this just could not be happening! But it was. The first hospital stay was 6 days. One week later I was transferred to Marshfield again for four days because the timeout was throwing blood clots. I have had 6 emergency room visits, 9 chemo treatments and too many doctors appointments to count. I have good insurance but boy do the bills add up. I have had to continue working because I am my sole support but I have been unable to work a full week since July. The savings is empty, have dipped into retirement and the bills roll in everyday. I have a wonder social worker who has found a couple programs to help but nothing out there to help make house payments, car payments, just the cost of living day to day. Then the hospitals start sending you to collections…,cancer has so many things it takes from you. Your health, your sense of yourself, your money, and your peace of mind. As you are fighting the greatest battle of your life and trying to preserve your strength for that, you lay awake at night wondering how to pay your electric bill, can they take your house, can I afford groceries. It is absurd devastating beyond any words. Thank you for listening to my story and know that any amount or help is so very greatly appreciated.
Patricia Meyers
Rice Lake, WI