Paul Martell family fund
My brother, Paul Martell, grew up in Austin, Mn. He worked as a manager at Georges Pizza for many years, was a volunteer firefighter for the Brownsdale fire department and currently works as a supervisor at Hormel. He married Callie Clark and adopted her daughter, Olivia. Together, they had another daughter, Stafani, now a senior in H.S. Last spring Paul was diagnosed with peritineal mesothelioma. After 3 rounds of chemo, it was our hope that he would have surgery. Unfortunately, his kidneys started to fail, along with other complications which no longer made him a candidate. We were told this week there was nothing else they could do other than make him comfortable. He has major medical bills even after insurance, along with the upcoming costs in the near future. Any amount to relieve the pressure of this on his wife and our family will be greatly appreciated in this difficult time.