Paulina Meza Joyería @ Milano Jewelry Week 2022✨
Donation protected
Hola, soy Paulina Meza!
Desde hace ocho años fabrico y diseño joyería con metales reciclados bajo mi propia marca. Soy una apasionada creativa, norteña y con afán de mucha vida, colaboración y gozo.
Pueden conocer más de mi trabajo con mi marca de joyas en los siguientes links:
A principios de 2022 mandé mi aplicación para participar en uno de los eventos más grande de moda a nivel mundial, enfocado a joyería, el cual se llama Milano Jewelry Week.
Empecé a temblar cuando recibí la llamada desde Milán en la que me invitaban a participar con dos piezas. La invitación es un sueño hecho realidad. La edición 2022 del evento es del 20-23 de Octubre de este año. Participaré en una exhibición colectiva y concurso llamado “the FaB by Artistar Jewels”, dentro del marco de MJW2022.
Me emociona mucho ir a mostrar mi trabajo como diseñadora, e ir a representar a los creativos mexicanos en una plataforma mundial. Sobre todo, poner en alto el nombre de Coahuila y los plateros del norte de México, incluida la Asociación de Plata en la Laguna AC.
Me encuentro de momento diseñando y produciendo las piezas nuevas que debo enviar a más tardar en Junio, y después en Octubre el plan es asistir físicamente a la exposición e inauguración de la misma.
Definitivamente es un proyecto en el que la proyección no es individual, y este proyecto se enriquece por las colaboraciones de personas muy talentosas con las cuales estoy haciendo realidad los diseños que se enviarán.
Estoy colaborando para una pieza con las chicas de Antrópica, quienes trabajan plástico reciclado. https://www.instagram.com/antropica.eco.mx/
Mi amiga maestra del sarape Dulce Tobías incluye parte de su trabajo para un collar que enviaré. https://www.instagram.com/maria_vencata/
Mi amigo Apolo Ibargüen ha sido encargado de modelados 3D bajo https://www.instagram.com/molyn_studio/
Mis hermanos me han apoyado con la impresión de piezas con su marca https://www.instagram.com/automaticsforlife/
¿Y los dineros, qué onda?
La inscripción a Milano Jewelry Week 2022 €1,500 euros.
La fabricación de las piezas, materiales y metales preciosos, otros insumos, mano de obra externa y envíos internacionales es un monto de $987 USD aproximadamente.
$1,500 USD aprox de viáticos.
$2,200 USD para cubrir costos de la campaña de marketing relacionada al evento, fotografías de las piezas, pagarle a modelos, publicidad pagada en medios y servicios de diseño y gestión.
Agradezco mucho tu apoyo a esta aventura, si tienes cualquier duda escríbeme a [email redacted] o mediante mis redes sociales.
Un abrazo gigante,
**************************NOW IN ENGLISH****************************
Un abrazo gigante,
**************************NOW IN ENGLISH****************************
Hi, I'm Paulina Meza!
For eight years I have been manufacturing and designing jewelry with recycled metals under my own brand. I am passionately creative, from the north and eager for a lot of life, collaboration and joy.
You can learn more about my work with my jewelry brand in the following links:
At the beginning of 2022 I sent my application to participate in one of the largest fashion events worldwide, focused on jewelry, which is called Milano Jewelry Week.
I started basically shaking when I received the call from Milan in which they invited me to participate with two pieces. The invitation is a dream come true. The 2022 edition of the event is from October 20-23 this year. I will participate in a collective exhibition and contest called "the FaB by Artistar Jewels", within the framework of MJW2022.
I am very excited to show my work as a designer, and to represent Mexican creatives on a global platform. Above all, to raise the name of Coahuila and the silversmiths of northern Mexico, including the Asociación de Plata en la Laguna AC.
At the moment I am designing and producing the new pieces that I must send no later than June, and then in October the plan is to attend the exhibition and its inauguration.
This is definitely an endeavor in which the reach is not individual. This project is enriched by the collaborations of very talented people with whom I am collaborating to make the designs that will be sent:
I am collaborating for a piece with the girls from Antrópica, who work with recycled plastic.
For eight years I have been manufacturing and designing jewelry with recycled metals under my own brand. I am passionately creative, from the north and eager for a lot of life, collaboration and joy.
You can learn more about my work with my jewelry brand in the following links:
At the beginning of 2022 I sent my application to participate in one of the largest fashion events worldwide, focused on jewelry, which is called Milano Jewelry Week.
I started basically shaking when I received the call from Milan in which they invited me to participate with two pieces. The invitation is a dream come true. The 2022 edition of the event is from October 20-23 this year. I will participate in a collective exhibition and contest called "the FaB by Artistar Jewels", within the framework of MJW2022.
I am very excited to show my work as a designer, and to represent Mexican creatives on a global platform. Above all, to raise the name of Coahuila and the silversmiths of northern Mexico, including the Asociación de Plata en la Laguna AC.
At the moment I am designing and producing the new pieces that I must send no later than June, and then in October the plan is to attend the exhibition and its inauguration.
This is definitely an endeavor in which the reach is not individual. This project is enriched by the collaborations of very talented people with whom I am collaborating to make the designs that will be sent:
I am collaborating for a piece with the girls from Antrópica, who work with recycled plastic.
My serape teacher friend Dulce Tobías includes part of her work for a necklace that I will send. https://www.instagram.com/maria_vencata/
My friend Apolo Ibargüen has been in charge of 3D modeling under
My serape teacher friend Dulce Tobías includes part of her work for a necklace that I will send. https://www.instagram.com/maria_vencata/
My friend Apolo Ibargüen has been in charge of 3D modeling under
My brothers have supported me with the printing of pieces with their brand: https://www.instagram.com/automaticsforlife/
So what is up with the money?
Registration for Milano Jewelry Week 2022 amounts to €1,500 euros.
The manufacture of the new jewelry pieces, materials and fine metals, external labor and international shipments is an amount of approximately $987 USD.
$1,500 USD approx for travel expenses.
$2,200 USD to cover costs of the marketing campaign related to the event, photographs of the pieces, paying models, paid advertising in the media and design and management services.
I really appreciate your support for this adventure, if you have any questions write to me at [email redacted] or through my social networks.
A giant hug,
No raffles, sweepstakes, giveaways, or returns on investment are offered in exchange for any donations made to this GoFundMe.
My brothers have supported me with the printing of pieces with their brand: https://www.instagram.com/automaticsforlife/
So what is up with the money?
Registration for Milano Jewelry Week 2022 amounts to €1,500 euros.
The manufacture of the new jewelry pieces, materials and fine metals, external labor and international shipments is an amount of approximately $987 USD.
$1,500 USD approx for travel expenses.
$2,200 USD to cover costs of the marketing campaign related to the event, photographs of the pieces, paying models, paid advertising in the media and design and management services.
I really appreciate your support for this adventure, if you have any questions write to me at [email redacted] or through my social networks.
A giant hug,
No raffles, sweepstakes, giveaways, or returns on investment are offered in exchange for any donations made to this GoFundMe.
Paulina Eunice Meza
El Paso, TX