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Pay It Back To Vienna Business

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Hi, I'm Matteo, a 9-year-old boy from Vienna, Virginia. Some people know me as the boy who runs to help kids with cancer. Last year I asked local businesses to help me raise money so kids with cancer aren't so lonely. Vienna businesses stepped forward to help out by hosting events with me or giving donations. With their help, I raised over $65,000 to help kids with cancer.
Right now, these businesses are going through a difficult time because of the Coronavirus. Some Vienna businesses helped others during their difficult time, so I think we should now help them.
I want to repay 8 businesses who donated around $250 each to my cause last year. They are: Bazin's On Church, Grassroots Fitness, Karin's Florist, Machine Swimming School, The Vienna Inn, Dr. Eva Pleta Dentistry, Dr. Jack Weil Pediatric Dentistry, and Ghaffari Orthdontics.
If we raise $2.020 together, we can pay it back and keep them going strong in our community!



  • Meg Dwyer
    • $25
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Matteo Lambert
Vienna, VA
Brandon Lambert

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