Lead with Love #BNFlovedbeyondmeasure
With losing our son, Beckam North Fillipp, at just 5 months of age, we chose to pave a path of love for his legacy. Beckam was made possible in our lives by an incredible act of unconditional love through surrogacy by our sister-in-law. So much love brought him into this world that the only way forward for us is through love.
Since October 2020, we have been partnering with locally owned businesses and making a monetary donation in order to have their patrons experience an act of kindness and help spread Beckam's legacy of love. We have partnered with Coroco, Pub 64, Eggspress, VIP Cleaners and Parties with Character for our past endeavors and are looking forward to our future collaborations.
We held a month-long food drive for the Spartan Food Pantry, a non-for-profit helping families in need within the Sycamore School District, during February 2021 and successfully raised over $8,300 in monetary donations and 1187 lbs of food. Everyone who joined our efforts made our food drive the success it was. So many mouths were fed and lives were positively impacted that we will never truly know the scope of Beckam's legacy of love.
It has been truly humbling to see how so many people in our community want to join us with giving back. The biggest question our partnerships have brought is how can others get involved. Here is how! We are currently in the process of setting up a website and starting a 501(c)3 foundation.
Check out our website at www.bnflovedbeyondmeasure.com to find out how you can partner with us for future Lead with Love events!
This fundraiser will help funds to our future efforts, spreading Beckam's legacy of love through donations made to local businesses and families in need. We would also like to place more Beckam's Buddy Benches at the other elementary schools within Sycamore. Our future goal, through the foundation we develop, would be to provide a scholarship to a graduate from Sycamore High School. This scholarship would be awarded to a graduate that was kind, a good friend and someone that chose to lead with love.
Thank you for wanting to join us in propelling Beckam's Legacy of Love to the next level! We are grateful for you and your choice of leading with love and positively impacting others!
Remember to choose to lead with love. Be kind, be compassionate. Love beyond measure!