Paying Vet Bill after having to put Pattie down.
Donation protected
So on Friday 12/22/2023 after we came home from John’s Christmas party at school, our dog, Pattie was in the backyard having a huge seizure. She seized for more than 20 minutes as I took her to the vet. I got her to the vet and they were able to give her lots and lots of medication, and she stopped having seizures for a little while
I got home from the vet and leaving Pattie there and Fred, my other dog was in the backyard and he was laying on the ground and wouldn’t come to me. Fred would only pick up the front part of his body, so I scooped him up and took him to the vet. After getting to the vet he started also having seizures, the vet thinks they may have been poisoned .
Please pray for my family our dogs are part of our family. They’re very much loved and cared for but we are unsure if either Patty or Fred will ever come home. 
This is going to be a very expensive weekend for us. Both dogs are at the vet on a Friday and if they have to stay over the weekend, it will be moved to an emergency vet because of Christmas.
If anyone would like to help us with the vet bills, Fred and Pattie are at
82nd Street Veterinary clinic
and I believe that’s all you need to donate.
Kristi Harkins
Lubbock, TX