Payton McGriff, SHE (Style Her Empowered)
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The Elevate Prize Foundation will be matching donations to all of the 2024 Top 5 CNN Heroes up to $50,000 per hero. The names of non-anonymous donors and their donation amounts may be published on air during CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute.
Education enables girls to transform their lives, but for many families living in poverty around the globe, buying the required school uniform is a formidable obstacle. It’s one of the reasons 129 million girls worldwide are not in school today. Idaho resident Payton McGriff tackled the problem for a college class project and weeks later ended up researching solutions on a school trip to Togo. Today, her nonprofit, SHE (Style Her Empowered) provides 2,000 girls in Togo with school fees, supplies, tutoring, and innovative uniforms designed to grow with them -- made locally by women who also receive free educational opportunities.
Check out Payton McGriff's full story on CNN.com.
Style Her Empowered Inc