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Elena’s Funeral Arrangements

Donation protected

It is with great grief to inform the sad passing of our innocent 23 year old angel, Elena Alinj, whose life was cut short due to brutal domestic violence.

Elena’s brain suffered oxygen loss due to her partners negligence of calling 911 on time. It was confirmed to us that she suffered severe body injuries: Broken ribs, broken jaw, broken spline, cuts, bruises and bite marks. Her little heart couldn’t handle it any longer. She passed within 24 hours at the ICU!

Elena was a great mom to a 11 month old baby girl who will never see her mom again nor will have a responsible parent to watch over her. Elena came to America 5 years ago from Albania after winning the green card lottery and came in search for a better life. Never did she ever complain about partner’s abuse nor reached out for help until one sad Monday morning we couldn't get in contact with her and found out that she was admitted into the hospital due to a cardiac arrest.

While her partner is being brought to justice and hopefully sentenced for life, we are in desperate need to help transport Elena’s lifeless body back to her parents and family in Albania so she can rest in peace. In addition, we need to raise awareness and arrange for family to get custody of her little angel.

Your generous donations are greatly appreciated! On behalf of Elena’s parents in Albania we thank you in advance from the bottom of our heart! ❤️#justiceforelena

**Me zemer te pikelluar lajmerojme komunitetin shqiptar per humbjen e dhimbshme dhe te parakohshme te 23 vjeçares Elena Alinj. Shkaku i vdekjes eshte dhuna domestike nga partneri.

Elena ka pesuar vdekje klinike nga mungesa e oksigjenit ne tru si pasoje e neglizhences se partnerit per te njoftuar ndihmen e shpejte ne kohe. Eshte konfirmuar nga mjeksia dhe rrajoni i policise qe viktima ka pesuar deme te renda nga violenca fizike kundra saj; frakture brinjesh, frakture e shtylles kurrizore, shenja kafshimi dhe njolla neper trup. Vajze vdiq brenda 24 oresh ne ranimacion.

Elena ishte nene e devotshme e nje foshnje 11 muajshe e cila fatkeqesisht nuk do arrije ta shohe me kurre nenen e saj. Foshnja tani ka ngelur pa prinder pasi babai i saj nuk eshte i pergjegjshem. Elena erdhi ne Amerike per nje jete me te mire pasi fitoi llotarine amerikane. E vetme, pa asnje te aferm ne Amerike ajo ra prehe e nje njeriu barbar qe mesa duket nuk e kishte njohur mire. Asnjehere nuk eshte ankuar per partnerin e saj qe e ka keqtrajtuar. Derisa te henen ne mengjes pas shume perpjekjesh per tu lidhur me te , u njoftuam qe Elena ka pesuar infrakt ne zemer nga dhuna barbare e partnerit te saj.

Nderkohe qe partneri i Elenes eshte i arrestuar dhe pritet te denohet ne kerkojme ndihme nga ju per te derguar trupin e saj ne Shqiperi ku ndodhen te gjithe te afermit e saj dhe e ndjera te prehet ne paqe. Gjithashtu duhet te bejme te pamunduren qe familja ( nena dhe babai) e Elenes te fitoje te drejten per te rritur vajzen e vogel jetime.

Ju lutem na ndihmoni me sa mundesi te keni. Linku per donacione eshte me poshte. You falenderojme nga zemra ne emer te prinderve te Elenes Agron dhe Mirela Alinj! 

***My name is Andoneta Kocibelli and I am Elena's aunt and Elena's proxy in the United States (as authorized by mom). Her immediate family in Albania has authorized me to collect the donations from the fundraiser on their behalf and I will be delivering it to them personally. All the proceeds will go to funeral costs,  transportation of her body to Albania costs, burial costs,  baby Sansa's custody costs( legal fees) and helping her family members in  Albania. 

***Elena and baby Sansa we all love you!!!


Andoneta Kocibelli
Brooklyn, NY

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