The Peace Project: LA LA PEACE SONG
LA LA PEACE SONG is a powerhouse song with a moral message , both when it was originally released and also for today and the World we are living in.
Renowned Dance music Producer Rick Gianatos is producing this music release and video as a personal statement against all the violence that has been going on in recent years, including in St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Atlanta, and most recently in Europe. He is hoping to create awareness for the innocent victims and plans to select a victim’s fund to direct 100% of the royalties and guide fans of the music to donate directly to the chosen fund.
LA LA PEACE SONG was written by Johnny Bristol [“Hang on In There Baby” by Johnny and “Someday We’ll be Together” by Diana Ross & the Supremes].
Rick is hoping that fans of his artists and musical family will contribute to this fund to help defray some of the costs. Promotion is being done on behalf of Rick/RGP and partner Paul Tams by David Crooks. All who donate will receive a CD of the finished single for their collection.
Artist: Vincent, Gilstrap & Vincent and the Altair All-Star Choir.
Pam Vincent, Jim Gilstrap and Joyce Vincent are coming together to sing lead vocals, all to be arranged by the genius of Pam Vincent.
All Stars include: Scherrie Payne, Pattie Brooks, Jessica Williams, Trina Lykes and more to be announced.
The funds will be used to help towards the cost of the recording sessions, remixes and Video sessions/ editing.
Supporting this release will not only show you care about recent events and the terrible state it has left the victims with both loss and trauma, but it will help us give voice through the power of Song to help raise awareness and funds for those affected and to hopefully make a difference.
I'm very excited to announce that musical colleague and dear friend Ms. Debbie Jacobs Rock has agreed to get behind my project. I thought of her because she lives in Baltimore, one of the cities that was hit with violence after Ferguson and Cincinnati. She runs an organization that we can donate proceeds to or you can donate directly that can help victims of violence in so many ways. More details to come! http://www.lighthealth.org/
Debbie's club hits include "Undercover Lover," "High on My Love," "Hot Hot, Give It All You Got" and "Don't You Want my Love." Go Debbie!
Disco Queen Diva Cynthia Manley has decided to join our PEACE team!!! Singer of greats such as "Ain't No Moutain High Enough/Remember Me," "Cruisin' the Streets," "Give" and "Save the World," she is at one with us on the purpose of our collaboration and I'm so proud she will join us!
SAN BERNARDINO. Add this senselessness to the list. Peace MUST prevail. Hear us people!
The good folks at GoFundMe have asked me to share the following information for transparency.
1. Who you are:
I am Rick Gianatos, a long time remixer/producer. Feel free to Google my name for my past accomplishments. Also go to my Company Website to see the artists I work with. http://rgpentertainmentgroupinc.com
2. Where you're from:
I live in Los Angeles, California
3. Your relationship to the parties you're raising funds for:
Debbie Jacobs Rock is a friend and musical colleague who runs a charitable organizion in Baltimore, which struck a cord in me because it is one of the cities that was struck with violence that hurt many in their community. Her charity is called Light, Health and Wellness Comprehensive Services, Inc. This link will take you to a page that gives you information about the organization's Mission, Visio, and Programs and Services description. http://www.lighthealth.org/.
4. How the funds will be spent (be specific as possible):
The funds I am asking for will assist me in producing the music and video for LA LA PEACE SONG, my statement about the violence in this country and around the world. Once the music and video are released, we hope to promote donations to Debbie’s organization through direct donations and directing 100% of the royalties made from downloads and collectors’ CDs to the organization fees charged by The Orchard, my digital distributor and CD Baby for the limited edition CDs..
5. How you intend to get the funds to those in need:
All monies will be given to Debbie’s charity to distribute to those most in need. I will be promoting direct donations to Debbie’ organization through her website.
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 6:15 AM
To: Rick Gianatos
"LA LA PEACE SONG" is in fact so profound at this time. There's an extreme amount of violence in this world today and it's totally out of control. We need a song about "Peace" to help to ease that feeling of helplessness worldwide.
The coming together of The Vincent Sisters (Pam and Joyce) and their friend Jim Gilstrap as "VINCENT, GILSTRAP & VINCENT" to sing this powerful song produced by RICK GIANATOS will at best bring about a feeling of HOPE among the masses. We all need to PRAY together and STICK together.
May Peace be with you,
Pam Vincent