Peepers Needs Spinal Surgery
Peepers has been my best friend for over 13 years. I can't even remember a time when I didn't have her by my side. When I took undergrad classes at night she would sleep in my car in a giant sleeping bag... and now that I'm in grad school she hangs out on the couch with me during my online classes. She's been blind for years... it does not slow her down (in fact I think she has increased in overall speed.)
One Sunday she went from perfectly normal to paralyzed in the blink of an eye. Her back legs would not move and she was terrified. We drove her to UC Davis animal hospital and she underwent an MRI under anesthesia and spinal surgery.
For anyone who knows me... Asking for help is not something that comes easily. I have no expectations, only hope that something good will come from being open and sharing.
My Peepers will have recovery... and fingers crossed she is able to do so. She still has plenty of good years left laying in the sun, cuddling the cats and listening to my clinic sessions via zoom. If you can help in any way... You're an angel and I can't thank you enough. If not, I understand completely. Thank you for reading and stay safe and healthy.