Stop Warrantless Seizures (DCS)
Donation protected

A WIN for Pellerin is a WIN for us all!
PLEASE help save our children / families
Anything helps. Words of Support! & of course $$
In the State of Arizona it has been admitted under deposition that this state DOES NOT obtain a warrant to seize children! A direct VIOLATION.
This admissions was made by:
Greg McKay - Director of DCS
Gene Burns - Ex-DCS Program Manager
Caryn Wagner - Caseworker
Deborah Harper - Assistant Deputy Director
Lyn Hart - Supervising Social Worker
They also admit they DEFIED court orders by the Juvenille Court Judge to return the children "home" with their parents/family; the case was thrown out. DCS kept the kids refusing to return them!
All filed court documents are available by following the link mentioned below and requesting to join FaceBook Group (pellerin).
We will set precedence to open the door to stop the human trafficking of children for federal funding.
Pellerin vs Wagner, et al.
Case No: 2:14-cv-02318-JWS
A complaint was filed on 04-JUN-2015 on behalf of Devin & Angie Pellerin by McMillan Law Group. This complaint is at the Federal Level within the 9th District Court.
The publicity this trial is going to generate will open the flood gates by exposing the true corruption behind the state sanctioned and illegal abduction of children for profit, via federal funding. I do not need to go into the horrific details of the abuse my grand-children suffered under the hands of CPS/DCS; we all, unfortunately, have horror stories that we live on a daily basis. Horror stories that will haunt us for the rest of our lives.
The only way to be victorious is to “help me to help you”. Families battling the courts on their own is exactly what the Government / State wants. It is way too easy to ignore your rights and get away with it. The end result in most cases? Severance & Adoption.
We have all learned the hard way that major news media does not report the REAL truth. Attorneys, judges, elected officials and those making insentive bonuses are NOT here to protect your rights. No they are here to take their slice of the blood money made from trafficking children.
We have been blessed with the legal representation of the Law Offices of Shawn McMillan of San Diego, CA & Joe Bertrand of Phoenix, AZ. The two offices have combined their career successes and most importantly their compassion to ensure “We the People” keep our unalienable rights; “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. This guarantees our precious resources, the children, are safe from harm. To keep our children...
This is an expensive endeavor that will have a postitive effect on all victims. It is a win-win!
To continue in our fight for our GOD given “unalienable rights” we need your help. By winning this lawsuit it will open the flood gates and expose Crimes against Humanity (Children & Families) not only in Arizona but throughout the country.
Corrupt judges, CPS/DCS workers, attorney's, elected government officials are operating a state sanctioned kidnapping racket [RICO]. These predators operating under the color of law are kidnapping our children for money. They demoralize and destroy the developing mind of our children during their most tender years and our vulnerable parents during the twilight years turning the beginning and end of their lives into nightmares, leaving shattered and distraught families in their wake.
Because our elected and appointed servants refuse to protect and champion our most precious and hallowed resource, our children; they too are guilty of this travesty and aid in the distribution of blood money gained by the illegal abduction and selling of children.
All proceeds go to ongoing effort of this lawsuit.
Kind regards
Pellerin Family
Case 2:14-cv-02318-JWS
To view the court documents filed so far Pellerin vs. Wagner
For legal purposes:
All proceeds will be managed by Tom Brown (step-father of Devin Pellerin and step-father-in-law of Angie Pellerin).All proceeds will be utilized only to pay expenses related to Pellerin vs. Wagner (legal fees, court costs...)Thank you A WIN for Pellerin is a WIN for us all!
Ed Edwards
Buckeye, AZ