$10 to fund a neighbour in NEED
To support locals impacted by COVID-19, ‘Peninsula Caring’ was created as a grass roots initiative, formed by locals Kevin Parker, Gina Hockley, Lynne Chien and supported by the Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre.
It’s 30 days since Peninsula Caring begun - here’s how the community has been helped.
· 250 food hampers packed and distributed to locals in need
· 323 phone calls to elderly who live alone to check if they’re okay
· 62 shopping trips to pick up food and pharmacy needs
Without the help of of 100+ local volunteers/522 volunteer hours this could not have been achieved.
Without donations, this work cannot continue. Here are 3 ways you can help.
$10 for a hamper for a local/family. With donations from local businesses, we can deliver a hamper for $10.
$40 supports a volunteer for an hour. They are police checked and COVID-19 compliant, so everyone stays safe.
$5 for a phone call to someone who just needs to hear ‘hi, how are you going?’
Find out more at https://www.rozellecentre.org.au/peninsulacaring