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People's Climate March Video

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I have produced a video of the People's Climate March which occurred Sunday, September 21, 2014.

The videos feature the performers, speakers, and a whole lot more from the Nuclear Information and Resource Service from their rally before the parade.

Any donations would be appreciated.  

Click this link to
see clips from the Pre-Parade Rally.
Featuring the Nuclear Information and Resource Service and their
Pre-Parade Rally and
the Parade

Special thanks to PACTV for its support in the making of this video.


I interviewed many people at the march, including Matt Patrick, who was running for Massachusetts State Senate.  Mr. Patrick did not win the race, but he's a great environmentalist anyway.

Get a wider perspective -
 Here's a link to the full Matt Patrick interview.

Many signs, slogans, chants, and musicians.

Spread the word that we have to take back control from the corporations that currently rule the world, and doing it badly.

This program is available on youtube - CLICK HERE  - 

Check your public access channel schedule to see it there 11/2014 - 1/2015.


Art Egerton
Pembroke, MA

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