Per Elviren! For Elvira!
Donation protected
Cdo dite perballemi me te dhena qe kanceri ka marre nje perhapje massive, por asnjehere nuk e kemi menduar qe ai mund te behet pjese e jetes tone. Keshtu ndodhi dhe me Zj. Elvira, Gjika Pula, mesuese e ciklit fillor ne shkollen 9-vjecare “Andon Xoxa” te qytetit Fier.
E perballur me shume sfida ne jete, Elvira u gjend e shokuar kur ne qershor te vitit 2022, edhe pse bente kontrolle vjetore periodic, u zbulua prania e kancerit te gjirit. I dha force vetes, u operua ne 4 gusht 2022, perballoi me sukses kimoterapite dhe seancat e rrezeve dhe filloi trajtimin me tableta. Puna ishte burimi I fuqise se saj duke mos e nderprere ate asnje dite. Ne qershor 2023 ne nje vizite familjare ne SHBA me ndihmen e te afermve ju mundesua berja e nje scaneri I cili doli I paster. Me shprese e gezim se cdo gje kishte kaluar, Elvira rifillon punen ne shtator 2023 dhe pergatit gjithcka ne detaje pasi do ishte brezi I fundit I femijeve qe do kishte per te mesuar…
Por…ne nentor mjeket zbuluan se semundja ishte rikthyer perseri ne menyra agresive duke prekur tashme melcine, shtyllen kurrizore, aparatin e frymemarrjes dhe gjendrat antiinflamatore.
Cfare te bente? Te dorezohej e te pranonte fundin apo te liuftonte? Keshtu, me ane te mbeshtetjes se te afermve u vendos ne USA per trajtim te metejshem e te specializuar. Por pas kimoterapise se dyte Elvira peson nje tromboze ne mushkeri e cila e rrezoi ate plotesisht. Beteja u be me e veshtire dhe kjo gje kerkon mbeshtetjen e te gjitheve. Elvires nuk I mungon dashuria e familjareve dhe mundesite e krijuara ng ate afermit por beteja eshte e gjate.. Ne duhet ta mbeshtesim ne kete lufte te veshtire e cila eshte sfida per te rifituar buzeqeshjen e jetes sepse Elvira e meriton te jetoje per ate cfare ajo i ka dhene shoqerise me perkushtimin e saj per edukimin e femijeve.
Ju falenderojme te gjithe per mbeshtetjen tuaj ne keto kohe te veshtira! – Elvira bashke me familjaret!
Every day we are faced with the knowledge that cancer is a part of many people’s lives, but never did we think that it would become a part of our own reality. This is what happened with Mrs. Elvira Gjika-Pula, a teacher at Andon Xoxa Elementary School, in Fier, Albania.
Having overcome many situations throughout her life, in June of 2022, Elvira was faced with the shocking diagnosis of Breast Cancer. With a focused intention of persevering through this news, she had surgical intervention in August of 2022, multiple rounds of Chemotherapy and Radiation, followed by oral medications for maintenance. Her line of work, providing education to young children, was the root of her strength because it did not allow her to stop or slow down. In June of 2023, after visiting her close family in the U.S.A. she was able to have a scan of her body that did not show anything concering. With great aspiration and happiness, Elvira went back to work in September of 2023 as this class would have been the last class that she taught before she retired.
But…In November of 2023, doctors found that the cancer had come back, but this time much more aggressive than before. This time, it had spread to the Spine, Liver, Lungs and Lymph Nodes…
What should she do? Give up or continue fighting again? Through the encouragement and support of her family and loved ones, she decided to tackle cancer once again under the specialization of Oncologists in America. During her rounds of Chemotherapy, her motivation was blunted by a clot in the lungs, which had a dramatic effect on her overall mental and physical stamina, thus making this fight much harder. She, of course, has the support of her close family, but she knows that this fight is long and difficult…
We know that we all need to continue to support her through this fight. She not only deserves to have her dignity, but she deserves to have her smile back and enjoy the life that she fought so hard to bring forth into this world with her family and friends!
Thank you to everyone for helping us through this difficult fight! – Elvira and Family
Redi Lamce
Philadelphia, PA