Perez Family funeral arrangements
Anthony Robert Perez & Anthony Robert Perez Junior were both very bright , outgoing souls that the world wasn’t ready to lose . Anthony was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at stage 4. After finding out he didn’t have much time left, He spent everyday, up until his last with the people closest to him. His mom, Debby Perez, his 2 kids, Destiny and AJ, and his 2 grandsons, Zephaniah & Nehemiah. They all took incredibly great care of their dad & son while he was on hospice. The time came where they had to make a decision and couldn’t bare to see our loved one in pain anymore, so they did what every persons unimaginable worst fear is. Anthony passed away and because of COVID we as a family have not got the chance to say our final goodbyes and lay him to rest.
Fast Forward 2 months later, the baby of the family, Anthony Junior, or as everyone knew him, AJ, was involved in a freak accident that left every single one of us devastated down to our core. He just celebrated his 21st birthday, he got his new car he was so proud of, and he just got his first apartment for him, his wife Jasmine, and their soon to be son. AJ was ambitious and wanted to be the man to create a beautiful life for everyone he crossed paths with.
As this poor family lays their son, grandson, dad & brother to lay eternally next to each other I ask for immense amount of prayers as the Perez family, along with the rest of us, grieve this tragic unexpected incident. Anything that can be donated is greatly appreciated as we are not sure of the hospital bills or funeral expenses that are going to shadow the heartbreak we are enduring. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this and keep my family in your thoughts.
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11