My Peri-Fornia Tour!
Hey ya'll!!! I'm Francesco---a young, traveling singer-songwriter from South-West FL and I've been personally bringing my music to some amazing people across the country!
I wrote, produced, and released an album on iTunes, spent 9-months in Atlanta, GA, and traveled the east coast last year. Now after the constant urging of loved ones and my followers through Periscope , it's time for me to bring myself to the west coast! I have never been past Texas and I've always wanted to experience California---to see family I never get to see and to mix my music with the west coast scene.
Periscope & Busker are new apps that allow people to broadcast live video to the world and interact with the people that watch. In just a year, I've spread my music and life to 2,700 followers and met some amazing people. With your help, I can meet and connect with even more people's lives and leave a lasting imprint. You can keep up with my adventures through the app when you follow me @francescomaceri !
Your donations will go towards my travel funds (gas, food, vehicle wear/tear) and getting merch (CD's, stickers, website upkeep). But most importantly...You are allowing me to live my dream of playing music for people who need it.
Since early March, I have been visting these cities. Everywhere I go and get invited to, I have been putting on personal concerts and sharing the love on Periscope & Busker! Let me know if you want me to come to YOU!
Miami, FL
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Tampa, FL
Charlotte, NC
Franklin, NC
Atlanta, GA
Austin, TX
Houston, TX
Dallas, TX
Tucson, AZ
Corona, CA
Ontario, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Pioneer, CA
Santa Monica, CA
Anything and everything helps, THANK YOU!
Peace and Love,