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Urgent Help Needed for Loved One with CANCER

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Update:  Help is urgently needed. Our nephew is facing dire financial concerns including the loss of his home and the necessity to find places for his beloved pets. All while dealing with the serious effects of cancer and cancer treatment. Please help if you possibly can.  We are hoping that things can turn around. 
We are looking for the Helpers!  The need for help continues.  We are asking with heartfelt compassion for your donations and networking. The journey of cancer is a burden at so many levels.  Our hearts reach out to yours with such gratitude and hope. Our nephew has been struck with a late stage, virulent cancer and is currently receiving difficult and debilitating treatment. Since he is unable to work during this treatment period, help is needed.  As a small business owner without the benefit of corporate sick benefits, he is struggling to meet the basic needs for his personal and business life.  Cancer has crushed the ongoing flow of work and cash.  Assets have been exhausted.  Donations will be used to address some current business concerns, to keep his business going, as well as keeping the home front going.  Some very sweet rescue pets have been tended to over the years, each one a family member, and are counting on continued well-being. Our nephew has a heart of gold and his rescue work with the 4-leggeds is purely Amazing Grace.  We are  reaching out to those that could join his village of recovery and healing to eliminate the extreme duress of financial distress.  His spirit of goodness and inner strength to address the ravages of cancer are inspiring.  Please join in this campaign to become part of a community of helpers.  As the late Mr. Rogers has said through the years,  "Look for the helpers." Thank you with all our hearts for being a helper.  Joe, Lucky, Grace and Angel say "thank you" with sweet wags.
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  • Manny Escobosa
    • $100
    • 6 yrs
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Jane Guttman
Lake Arrowhead, CA

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